Archive for the My Inspirations Category

Read ‘Em and Weep??

Posted in Blogging Memes, Call Me The Seeker, Everday Living, Hestia's Hearth, It's In The Cards, My Inspirations, Photo Phun, Tarot Journey with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 23/09/2010 by gwenguin1

I couldn’t help myself, I had to buy the Stepahnie Pui-Mun Law’s “Shadowscapes” Tarot Deck.  It finally arrived Tuesday evening.  I had to try them out, and decided to video the entire layout

The vidoe comes with a challenge for everyone doing the Tarot Journey.  I have included close-ups of all the cards in the layout, and the measnings of each psotion in the layout.

My challenge is for anyone that is unterested, to read and interpret the layout I have shared.  My question was, “What is going to happen in the next year”.

You can find the video at:

In The Beginning

Posted in Bookworm Tales, Call Me The Seeker, Doodle-a-day-oh!, It's In The Cards, My Inspirations, Reviews and Previews, Tarot Journey with tags , , , , , on 08/08/2010 by gwenguin1

In the beginning, when everyone had a Dreamtime, man was given the power of choice.  How wonderful this magic was!  A man could choose to hunt or not to hunt; a woman could choose to cook or not to cook.  Children could choose whether or not to obey their parents’ words.

Soon, everything was in chaos, for no one chose to hunt, cook or obey. The People everywhere were starving, naked, and wandering around lost to the power of choosing.

The Great Spirit looked down, and was sad.  This was not what He had imagined for his people.  He chose ones who had continued to choose to do what must be done, and He gifted them with understanding of the true power of choice. 

They were given pictures to help tell the tales, beginning with the fan.  Such a simple picture, to tell so much!

 Avery choice a destiny


Yes, this was influenced by Aboriginal Dreamtime images.


The fan is the beginning, when we are first gifted with the power of choice, but have not gained the wisdom of our choices yet. 

The Africans gifted us with this fan shaped destiny, at the end of every choice is a destiny, borne out by the choices that came before, and the lessons we have learned.

And so it is that all Tarot decks are about our choices; good, bad, or indifferent.  The choices we make, and the choices we do not make will all have an impact on our destiny.

The Major Arcana are the ‘big’ choices we make, and the Minor Arcana is the small everyday choices. 

In the Major Arcana we have the choice between love and lust (The Lovers and The Devil), self-destruction or self-loving care (Death), to follow ‘the way it has always been done’, or strike out on our own (The Hierophant), and to learn from our mistakes or not (The World and The Fool).

My Sister-Witch Melanie once said that everyone has 44 lives they live.  I commented that that is exactly the number of meanings to the Major Arcana; 22 cards X2 meanings (upright and reversed).


Old English Tarot

I feel as though I ought to hear "Greensleeves" being srummed on a lute!

 Now, as if I needed more, I have bought the Old English Tarot, which is a charming variant of the Rider-Waite, and the one that I sounded about 35 years younger than I really am when I saw it…

With a gasp and a “I must have them!!  I’ll worry about the bills later…” I held this new deck in my hands, and feasted my eyes on the cover of “Oracle of the Dreamtime”!


Way, way too cool!

Designed, illustrated by, and based on Oz’s Aboriginal Peoples’ Dreamtime the deck is a feast for any artist’s eyes, and the accompanying book is full of tales from the Dreamtime. 

Mum and I spent over an hour just filling ourselves with Dreamtime tales in the book; soon I’ll sit down and really explore this delightful addition.  And for anyone who is interested… this is deck number 55!

And Another Blitz Poem

Posted in Blogging Memes, Bookworm Tales, My Inspirations, Poetry, Quotents with tags , , on 29/06/2010 by gwenguin1

Trees In Belt

Researching my family tree

Researching the Norse World Tree

Trees in bloom

Trees in the wind

Wind in my hair

Wind in the wires

Wires in the wall

Wires on the poles

Poles have shifted before

Poles immigrated to America

America the Beautiful

America, Land of the Brave

Brave Pioneers

Brave New World

World in Black and White

World without end

End of the book

End of the line

Line on paper

Line in the sand

Sand between my toes

Sand on the beach

Beach at the ocean

Beach the boats

Boats bobbing on the waves

Boats tied at anchor

Anchor the poster to the wall

Anchored in the real world

World of Warcraft game

World of magic

Magic act

Magic both High and Low

Low prices for one week only

Low-pressure front is stalled

Stalled the lawn mower

Stalled at the starting line

Line of descent

Line forms here

Here is my house

Here is the victim

Victim of circumstance

Victim of the times

Times are changing

Times are listed below

Below the waterline

Below the belt

Belt out the tune

Belt of rotgut



The Story of the Green Man and his White Lady

Posted in Hestia's Hearth, It's In The Cards, My Inspirations, Soul Food Cafe Fun, Tarot Journey, You can do these! with tags , , , , , , , on 13/05/2010 by gwenguin1

Once upon a time, in a small kingdom by the edge of a wide, sweet sea there lived a King and Queen who reigned happily over their people.  There was but one wee grey cloud in sll the kingdom…  


The King and Queen were only able to have one child…

 The Lady Anemone Fionn, a daughter they deeply adored, for all that she was a solemn, chubby child who preferred the company of books and commoners to days spent gossiping in the court.   Since she was not the prettiest of children and did not have the sprightly temperament of many princesses, they despaired of her ever being happily wed.


 So she was allowed to wander among the commoners in sparrow-brown garb, where she learned about love and kindness, as well as tolerance in the huts and shops of the capital city.   As she began to grow older, she accepted the training she would need to be their heir without complaint or rebellion.  She wished to serve her country with the best she could be.



It was early in her training that the first letter from the Green Man came to them, aboard a gaily-painted ship, with sails of exotic silks.  One of the letters was given up to the King and Queen, requesting their daughter’s hand in marriage when she came of age.


 The other letter was delivered to the young Lady; from that day on she kept all of the Green Man’s letters in a box of delicate silver filigree.  She wore the key to the box around her neck on a plain silvery chain.


“Anemone Fionn, Sweet lady of the Beaches, you hold my heart in your gentle hands.  My Spirit sings at the merest thought of you, and my heart beats in tune with thine.  When the day comes that all see the beauty I do I shall claim you as my beloved bride.”


 His words had lost no power since they had been given to her by a man from the Green Man’s country when she had not yet blossomed into womanhood.

When the arrogant young princelings would laugh at her face and form she would reread them and find much comfort in the words he had written only for her.


 When no nearby princes or kings asked for her hand, she begged her parents to accept the Green Man’s pledge, and betroth her to the man who had comforted her, and sparked her mind to discover more about the world than any other Princess deigned to pretend to know.


And so it came to pass, after many long years that the Green Man wrote to the Lady and told her.  “I will be with you in truth with the coming of summer my sweet Lady Anemone.”


Faioléan the seagull perched close to the sorrowful lady and spoke in his skree-ing language.  “Weep not my lady fair.  The Uaine Fear, comes to claim thee, sailing across the wide green seas.”



The lady did return, “O Faioléan tell me true, does he love this plain face of mine?”



“Fear not fair Lady Anemone, the Uaine Fear comes for you, seeking yon beauty across the wide, green seas



The Seagull hopped close enough for the Lady to smell the sea and fish on his feathers, his bright eye locked with hers.



“Fear not dear Lady, for the Uaine Fear cometh to you, seeking your beauty and pure spirit.”



So the lady returned day after day, waiting by the ocean for this secret lover who sought her.



Her pale cheeks were given a golden glow by the sun’s light, and the gentle, salt air of the ocean soothed her breathing so much so that she even stopped coughing.



The dull brown hair that had been so lifeless and limp began to have secret tints of gold in its curls.



The longer she remained by the sea, and forsook the rich food and many sweets in the castle the slimmer her limbs became, and her skin became smooth and honeyed.


 Every day the same gull was at her side, reassuring her of the Green Man’s advance across the wide, sweet sea.

Every day, the sailors on the docks, calling to her how pretty she was becoming, greeted the Lady and she would thank them prettily for their kind words.



Every night as she lay in her soft, fluffy bed the Green Man would send nightingales to sing her to sleep.  In their sweet voices she heard the words the Green Man had written to her all those years ago.



One summer day, years ago, the Green Man gifted her with vibrant silks to clothe herself with.  They had delicate laces, golden and silver buttons, the fur of exotic animals, and rare jewels to sew to the clothes with Thread-of-Gold.


Every season the Lady would take them out and ponder dresses from them, and them put them away, until she would have a fairer form to wear them upon.



One day as she dressed in another drab gown, that now hung off her like sails on a windless sea, her ladies-in-waiting all conspired to measure her for a new gown. 


While the Lady waited at the shore for the Green Man, the ladies in waiting made her a new gown, from a deep peacock blue silk, trimmed with Peacock’s feathers and Thread-of-Silver, and many, many tiny pearls crusting the bodice.

When the lady returned that evening, and began to ready herself for dinner her ladies-in-waiting slipped the blue gown over her head, and styled her hair to show off the golden dusting on the soft curls.


 The Lady looked in her polished silver mirror, and stared.  Surely this lovely creature brushed in gold dust couldn’t be her!!   

From whence had come the womanly curves, and kissable freckles?



The same princes and Kings who had jested at her expense gathered about her, each vying for her full attention.



She laughed and treated them with tolerance, but none of them turned her head from the Green Man, who had sought her hand when no others would.



Night after night, she fended off a parade of handsome Princes and Kings.  Day after day her ladies fashioned another gown, trying to outdo the previous one in beauty and uniqueness.



Day after day she watched the seas for some sign of the green Man’s bright sails on the horizon.



At last there was only white silk that seemed to hide all other colours in its shadows left in her case of fabrics.



She took it out and caressed it, delighting in the way it slid through her fingers.  “I wish to save this gown for when my future husband, the Green Man, arrives.  And this is how I want it to look.”



And so it was that her ladies fashioned a gown to be the envy of every highborn woman in every country.



It was of clean and simple lines, and a bodice set with squares of abalone, mother-of-pearl, and lapis lazuli set in it like a necklace.  With Thread-of-Silver, they embroidered circles of ivy, mistletoe sprigs, holly, and white roses along the bottom of the gown.



The lady went to the Royal Jeweller and asked him to make her a discrete coronet.  A silver band to sit among her curls, engraved with flowers, and set with magical stones that continued in the silver netting that fell to the ground.



The lady tried it on, and she was well pleased and thanked her ladies-in-waiting with generous gifts and sweet words of gratitude.



And so, not long after, she spied a black spot on the horizon.  Her heart beat so she could barely breathe, and she ran home, calling for her ladies in waiting as soon as she had seen the bright colours of the Green Man’s sails.



Once she was dressed in her white gown and she had caught her breath she returned to the docks to await the Green Man.



At long last, the Green Man’s fleet filled the harbour, their sails were each of a different pattern of silk, and they lay at anchor peacefully.



With all due ceremony, and great pomp, the Green Man walked from his ship, across the plank, and onto the dock, where the Lady awaited him with bright eyes and glowing smile.



She could see nothing of his face behind a cunningly carved emerald mask.  At last they stood face to face, and still he held up the mask.



My Dear Lady of the Blue Harbour.  Will you still wed me?”



The Lady answered happily. “I have awaited this day forever and a day, yes, I will wed you.”



At last the Green Man took down his mask, showing everyone an ugly, twisted old man’s face with spindly legs and potbelly.



“One last time I would ask thee.  Wilt thou marry me as I am?”



“I will marry thee, whether thou art handsome or no.  You have always treated me with gentleness and respect, and have gifted me with loveliness and comfort.  Yes, I will gladly call you husband, and follow wherever thou wilt go.”  The Lady knelt in her white raiment and kissed the wrinkled hand tenderly.



The Green Man threw back his cape and dashed the mask to pieces on the dock’s planks.  “And so our love will be fulfilled.!!”



In a flash of golden light he stood tall, becoming a young and very handsome prince, medals at his breast and a golden crown covered in rare jewels sat amongst his golden brown curls.  His sea green eyes were afire with love for the Lady.


“When I was young a Sorceress cursed my Kingdom and me.  Neither would know a happy day, or prosperity until I would be accepted by a Lady who did not recoil at the ugliness she set upon me.”



And so it was that the Green Prince and his White Lady were married and travelled to his Kingdom on the other side of the deep, sweet sea, where they lived happily ever after, and made sure that the people of their kingdoms would know happiness as well.



Again, what has this to do with out Tarot Journey?  This surely is The Lovers of the Major Arcana.  The choice between love and lust, a true connexion, and a passing fling.



The Lovers

"Love has a thousand feathers."


Posted in Everday Living, Family History, Hestia's Hearth, Misspent Youth, My Inspirations, Old Deep Roots, Reviews and Previews, The Moversd and the Shapers with tags , , , , , , , , , on 03/05/2010 by gwenguin1

My brother Matt and I went shopping this weeekend, off to the record and junk stores.  We always have so much fun doing this, showing one another weird vinyl we thought had died a well-deserved death many moons ago.

This time, however it was all cool stuff we found.  I only bought 1 new album, but I bought almost a dozen albums.  The one I clasped to my chest, ready to race home that very minute and play it, loud, on my stereo; and to he-double-toothpicks with anyone else’s feelings.

I know Mum wouldn’t mind, and I soon discovered that Matt got excited about it too.  He said he has never seenh it in all of his years of music shopping, and this was the first time I’d seen it.  I kept looking at the album again, so afraid it wasn’t what it was.  Finally, 36 hours later, I sat down to play and record it. 

Not more than three bars into the first side I was covered in gooseflesh, caught in a flashback to childhood that is still so clear. 

Mom and I went to the movies, just her and I, it was a special treat because of the orthopaedic shoes, leg braces, and spacer bar I was required to wear all the time.  This was supposed to treat the too-short muscles in my feet and the pigeon-toe’d-ness.

We sat almost in the very fromt, and there weren’t a lot of people at the theatre, but there were enough to make me more uncomfortable than I already was, on a picky, smelly theatre seat.  I was settled like a wee Princess with a small soda and candy, and my legs straight out in front of me wearing a dress of all things!!

At  last, the previews had finished and the lights faded completely away as “Fantasia” began.  I was so lost in the music and animation that I forgot my soda and candy, I forgot having to wear a dress, and I even forgot the leg braces and other equipages holding me still.

Most of the animation was so right, even the “Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor” by J. S. Bach, the free-form, pre-LSD trip psychedelia had me enthralled.  I fell in love with the centaurs and dancing crocodiles, and delighted in the dancing thistles, and the slow grace of Walt Disney’s fish.  To this day, I doodle my version of those fish, and don’t really think about it when I do it.

Igor Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring”  was well paired with Disney’s animation for it, and almost impossible to look away from.

My two top clips were “Night on Bald Mountain” by Moussourgsky, I thought the devil was nicely scary, yet a devil that wouldn’t give us chillens bad dreams.

My #1 All-Time favourite was “The Sorceror’s Apprentice, but, as charming as Mickey was, and as delightful as the tale was, that wasn’t what I saw, then and to this day.  I see bears, of all kinds, brown, black, polar, grizzly; adult and cub romp in my imagination.

The most awesome thing about listening to part of “Fantasia” was that I remebered what wonder felt like, and how from the first time I saw this film my most secret dream was to create my own  version of this film, I have the story, the music, the desire, the only thing I don’t have is the eyesight.

There isn’t a durn thinag I can do about the eyesight, I’m so blind I don’t dare drive.  BUT>>> I am not going to sit around feeling sorry for myself, I can still doodle, read and write (which I was never supposed to be able to do), sew, crochet, embroider, many other things that bring me joy.

What I can do with that dream is see it in my mind, and then write it down, and hope that one day a patient artist will make this dream a reality.  So that I can sit in another theatre, chair, world, and see my dream up on the big screen, and feel that same sense of wonder.

I Have Found My Way In!

Posted in Blogging Memes, Bookworm Tales, Call Me The Seeker, Hestia's Hearth, It's In The Cards, My Inspirations, Reviews and Previews, Soul Food Cafe Fun, You can do these! with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 06/03/2010 by gwenguin1

Having learned from previous Journeys with Mme. La Enchanteur that doorways to Lemuria lie somewhere between the subconscious mind and the imagination (shades of “The Twilight Zone”!) I closed my eyes to find my doorway. I fell asleep and my doorway opened wide, to a High-Def, Wide screen vista of Lemuria and her history.

I dreamt of a small village, a few talented, hardy individuals carving out a niche in Cyberspace for themselves. The first tenuous strands attached to the World Wide Web, and sent out more tendrils. Other, like-minded adventurers follower the connexions to their source, and the village grew.

More Webs stretched ‘round the globe, and now connected hearts, minds and Spirits. The village planted Dream Seeds, and grew Secret Gardens to rival the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The villagers each built their own Castles in the Air and saw their dreams gain substance. Soon the village began to have a tourist trade, with people from the world over coming to see the wonders in the village and carry the word of the village further.

I came to join this village and wondered what my place in this magick should be. No sooner had I thought this than I saw a place, from deep within the fertile earth of my imagination, a place of birth and immortality. The village gathered round this place of sunlight, constant blossoms, and the smell of ripening fruit. Each member had their own time of labouring, and giving birth to children of great beauty. As each new life was begun, so many members of the village cheered and exclaimed with joy, that soon the village was a bustling city and still growing.

My place in the village, and one purpose of the village was that, to be a nursery to talent, ideas, and growth, not only of mind and imagination, but also of Spirit and ideals. The village is also a place of great change, new members would stagger in, sore wounded and weary of Spirit and discovered that there would be support and guidance through every step they would make from now forward.

How we each make the journey along our healing road is different for every person, as it ought to be; yet we all know that others have been there and others will follow behind us. We have been gifted with the most precious knowledge of all. We are not alone!!

I hold the bag Mme. La Enchanteur has gifted me with, it has such weight, and the energy contained in such a wee package, pulsing with the life of creativity. In it are so many tiny tools to use in my travels. And a deck of Tarot Cards, unlike any other deck I had in my collection.  The Packet of Dream Seeds I return to Mme. La Enchanteur, I have been in the village long enough to have my own Dream Seeds to carry with me.

“The Rumi Tarot” created by Nigel Jackson, based upon the teachings of the Sufi scholar Rumi, full of mysticism, deep wisdom and ageless beauty. The Fool is, of course the beginning, and he is an innocent young man, unprepared for, and unaware of the dangers ahead of him on his journey.

At The Baginning

"Be foolish, so that your heart may know peace."

The inscription at the bottom intrigued me, “Be foolish, so that your heart may know peace.” Foolish, the word has so many negative connotations. Someone that is stupid, naive, unaware of what greases the wheels of the world.

Having done the Tarot for over 35 years (O My Gods!!) I know that none of those are what the Tarot’s Fool is made of. In the Tarot the Fool is someone who is innocent, and does not look either backwards or forwards, someone overflowing with trust and optimism.

Here a leopard accompanies the Fool. Instead of asking why not a dog, like so many other Fool Cards in the Tarot, I asked why a leopard. My first thought came from the Queen of Wands in the Thoth-Crowley Tarot Deck.

The Queen wears flowing locks of reddish brown hair and is accompanied by a leopard. Legend has it that once upon a time the Queen wore long shining black hair and her companion was a panther. They were purified by their troubles and travels and the queen had flowing golden locks and her panther became a lioness.

The Queen looked back over the path she had travelled and her heart was so moved by those people that were still struggling that she chose to remain where she was instead of continuing on her path, so!  her hair became reddish brown and her constant companion wore the dark spots of a leopard as it too chose to stay and help.

Perhaps this is why the leopard instead of the dog is by the side of the Fool, to be a helper and guide to the Fool.  Or perhaps the Leopard is A Fool from a Previous Journey, who joyously partners the fool.  Together they may symbolise that we are at once The Fool and The World. 

Hrmmmnnnnhhhhh… that sounds like a whole ‘nother post, for another day, perhaps even an author other than myself!!

Shiloh Dared Me!!

Posted in Everday Living, My Inspirations, Old Deep Roots, Poetry with tags , , , , , , , on 24/01/2010 by gwenguin1

My friend Shiloh, a lot of you know Shiloh, dared me to write some forms of Japanese  poetry after I told her that I do not write good verse poetry.  I don’t class the Japanese forms in with verse poetry  because they follow different forms and philosophies the European-based poetic forms.  So here are the poems I did write, using the Senryu, Tanka, and Lanturne forms of Japanese poetry.

Senryu 1:

 Cat’s pawprints

Cross the floor

He’s on the hunt.


Senryu 2

Aching toes

Reach Heaven

With my dancing.


Tanka 1

 Laughter in symbols

Sorrow in harsh silences

Hope does not spring here

Love’s petals are withered, sere

Dreams do not flourish down here.



Lanturne 1




When it’s not sought.


Lanturne 2



Coils twining

Devours the Light.


These are my attemnpts, you can find Shiloh’s at  I hope you enjoy them, and find some inspiration in them.

My Holiday Spell for You

Posted in Everday Living, My Inspirations, Old Deep Roots, Stuff And Nonsense with tags , , , , , on 23/12/2009 by gwenguin1

I offer you Solstice Greetings

of love, peace, and abiding

joy.  Whatever Holiday

you celebrate this time of the

year, I wish you the best of

 everything, now and always.


 I wish for all of you a

lifetime of loving

and being loved.  I

pray you will

always have faith,

and a friend that

understands you. 


 May the God and Goddess

bless you with everything

you need in the coming

year and may you

always know

the benefits of faith.   


 I wish you a future full

of laughter and Light. 

May your family be many

and  your enemies few.


I may not be able to give

everyone precious to me

a Christmas gift,

but I can tell them h

how much I value them

and their friendship. 


Through the past 4 1/2

years you have

inspired, trusted, supported,

loved, scolded and

bossed me around.  


I cannot imagine a life

without you, for it would

be grey indeed.  In the 

brittle blackness of depression

you have become stars and

constellations, that delight

and comfort me. 


Each morning it is a

wee bittie easier to

choose to seek out joy

instead of sorrow. 

Every day it is a little

easier to live because of

your presence in my life.


I am here to thank you

for every second of it.  You

have helped me grow

as a person and a spirit,

as well as a creative being. 

So, my dear E-family/friend

I send you the

gift of appreciation.

Happy Holidays,

Thank you,

Now and Forever,


Portrait of a Witch

Posted in Everday Living, Family History, My Inspirations, My Soapboxes, Old Deep Roots with tags , , on 31/10/2009 by gwenguin1

If you saw a real witch, would you know that she is a witch? Do you believe that she’ll be ancient and ugly with bad skin and warts? Or would she be like everyone else you meet in your travels? Or would there be an indefinable something that would identify her as a witch? 


 A real witch, a practitioner of Wicca, will look like anyone you might meet on the street. She will buy the same kind of clothes; she will have many of the same items in her grocery cart as you will. 


 So, how do you identify a witch, not the Halloween caricature, but a real witch?  Look at her character- that will show her Wiccan traditions. She will be the woman who is kind to everyone and chooses to not judge by race or faith. She will walk gently on our Mother Earth, and celebrate the seasons and natural wonders of the planet.  


 A witch will be tolerant of and accepting of all other faiths. Real witches are not Satanists. Most Wiccan sects worship a God and Goddess; the God sports deer horns and represents the Masculine Archetype, while the Goddess is usually a three-faced Goddess (Maiden, Mother, and Crone), which represents the Feminine Archetype.  


 Wicca seeks a balance between positive and negative energies. True Wiccans do not hex or curse people, a witch’s every action is chosen to cause the least harm to everyone and everything around the witch. In truth, the evolved witch will do what is right simply because it is the right thing to do, with no thought of ‘Eternal Reward’ or ‘Karma’.   The right thing to do is the action that causes the least harm in both the short- and long-term.  The witch’s aim is to create balance and calm both within herself and in her surroundings.  


 Wiccans don’t seek revenge; seek a non-destructive way to express ‘negative’ emotions.   Wicca honours forgiveness and understanding. 


Individual witches are at different points on their path of Spiritual Growth the same as people of other faiths. Wicca accepts that some of the people who have travelled further on their path will consciously choose to remain at that level, to help those still learning to advance on their personal path. 


Witches will be naturally trusted by children, animals and wounded spirits, and are known for the comfort of their homes. Some witches have the reputation of being the one everyone comes to when they need to feel better. Other witches might be known for their ability to energise and inspire.


Wicca does not expect a new member to deny the faith they already have; witchcraft, all of Hollywood’s ideas aside, is a gentle, nature-based faith, that supports the individual, and celebrates the differences of culture and faith.

The Hadley Happenings, Part III

Posted in Everday Living, Misspent Youth, My Inspirations, Scaddy Kiddies, Soul Food Cafe Fun, Stuff And Nonsense with tags , , , , , on 14/10/2009 by gwenguin1

Well kids, I recognise more of your faces this year. I’m gratified to see you coming back that means I’m doing my job right. Yes, there are still plenty of things happening in Hadley City.  


Jake Masters himself told this one to me.


He was the old, old law here, back before we had city police, staties, and county mounties, and Federales poking on the ground, in the airwaves, and now virtually. 


Yes, even someone as old as I am knows about computers. Maybe I can’t play those complicated joystick games, but I can still read a book and add things up in my head. Can you?”


Now I didn’t come here to be mean to any of you. I came here to tell you about Hadley, and that’s what I’ll do.


Jake Masters was the bartender back then, he kept a wary, worried eye on the man in the corner booth. He had come in alone; bought a bottle of whiskey, then settle in for a preoccupied binge.


The small pale man sat before a length of rope and bottle of whiskey,that was more than half-drunk. He was sunken of eye, sallow of skin, and wrapped in an eerie stillness.


He motioned to Jake Masters, and Jake nodded to the young man he was trainin’ up, and then sat carefully across from the little stranger.


Who was the man he was training?   That was Old Man Walker. Yes!!


I know he died over twenty year ago.


I spoke at his memorial service.


Now, how old I am don’t matter any more. I’m just plain old.


When Jake was standin’ next to the quiet drinker, the feller spoke in a ghost’s voice. “Sit down. Please?” Anyway, the little stranger took another shot off the whiskey like a machine, neatly, without his face changing one bit. When he locked eyes with Jake; Jake swore there was nothing there, just two bottomless pits in a face like a desert.


“M’name’s Cecil and I need ta tell someone this


I used to have a fine life, yessiree-bob, I surely did. Married me up a good, and pretty wife. She took amazin’ care of me, and the choldren we made were all beautiful little girls, seven of ‘em.


Come a winter night we would all gather in the big bed, and my wife would read to us outta the family Bible. She could make those begats sound like the finest fiddlin’ you could ask for. Almost like God’s Choirs of Angels.


 Then the Hard Times started and everything started goin’ bad. Real bad. There was the drought, and no work to be had, people were actually dyin’ of hunger, sittin’ on big spreads of what was supposed to be good farmland- rich and deep. People started movin’ less, spoke little, and cared almost nowt.


Yup, even me, with all eight of the blessings from the Lord I called fambly. A body can only sit and feel your belly eatin’ your backbone for so long, and then he commences to thinking strange. And that’s when bad things get worse.


I was sitting, looking at my pretty girls all get pale, hungry, and there weren’t a damn thing to do. I couldn’t leave, but I couldn’t bear to see them all dyin’ slow-like. I watched my pretty Margie lose all o’ her hair, like spun gold, the colour of autumn wheat when its heavy and ripe.


All the girls except the youngest had Margie’s hair, the straight, shining river of sunshine down their backs. I watched all their hair fall out too, and their rosy, round cheeks went pale and sunk into their skulls, as they got hungrier, and hungrier.


The youngest’ hair? Why our Jezzie Belle’s was shining like a blackbirds’ wing; gleamin’ all the colours of a rainbow. She had eyes that were black, and they went back forever it seemed like. She was always a pale little thing, hated the sun and cried when Mother bathed her.


She loved to hear her Mother sing and would sit there and smile all the while her Momma sang. And wouldja believe, the first word that child learnt was ‘Amen’, imagine that, a baby not yet nine months old sitting in her basket sayin’ Amen’ when there was a church meeting to go to.


When things went bad I started dreadin’ getting up of a morning. I was sure I would see my smallest angel lyin’ there all still and cold. An’ every morning she would be lyin’ there, watching everything from the deeps of her eyes.


No, it were my eldest Susie Anne what went first. I found out later, she was givin’ her food to the younger children, so’s they could keep on growin’. She made sure her Momma et too, seein’ as how Margie was still breast-feedin’ the baby girl. Susie-Ann went in her sleep, lookin’ almost peaceful, if it weren’t for the hunger-scars acrost her face.


I buried her under the last few limbs of the Lilac tree her Momma was growin’ up for her. Even then I couldn’t dig the hole proper-like, the edges weren’t straight, and it tweren’t barely deep enough. Her poor Momma was already too weak to cry, she just had tears runnin’ down her face and leavin’ little dark spots on the thirsty ground.


I kilt the last cow that evening, and made all of my girls promise to eat their food, and not give it all away. All of ‘em swore on the Bible that they would eat their food. And they did eat their own food, little as there was. One night, all we had was broth cooked from a bone a dog wouldn’t chew. There weren’t even a few grains of rice or a woody old turnip to add to the broth, nope, not even salt.


If I coulda cried I woulda, the shame of watchin’ my fambly die when I loved ‘em all so much was that bad.


Then the next eldest gal up and died, and if she’d had anything left coverin’ her bones I swear there woulda been teeth marks in it. As it were, there was some little holes here and there on her skin. But she didn’t bleed none, so I figured she were took by the Hunger too.


Now her Momma couldn’t even go out and see her Terrie Lynn buried, and that were a mercy, there weren’t much more’n two feet of ground over her little body. And the cross was standin’ sidewise, lookin’ drunker’n I was, and all I could do was watch the Blight spread over more and more of Hadley Valley.


Then came the day I had been dreadin’ the worst. Our well dried up; there was no more sweet, cold artesian water to quiet hungry bellies with. Now I had to take the last horse, Ned, who was barely able to stand, to the river for water.


The little bit o meat on poor ol’ Ned fed my children for almost a week, but still the third girl, Becky Marie didn’ wake up of a mornin’. I covered her in stones, and that took me two days to do. Momma didn’t even cry this time; she just lay there, letting the baby girl nurse on her dried-up tit for some comfort.


All through this, the littlest one still thrived, as much as a skinny, pale changeling baby can. Momma was getting’ weaker all the time, and now I prayed no more of my choldren would be sent to Lord, for I surely couldn’t bury ‘em proper, and I didn’t want to watch a dead daughter rot in the same bed she was borned in.


 The Lord wasn’t answerin’ prayers no more, for less than a week later my fourth girl, Linnie Sue, never woke up. She were just as pale and bloodless as the rest. She didn’t weigh no more’n’ a feather pillah and I covered her as best I could with some rocks and slab o’ wood.


Now there was me, Margie an’ our three youngest girls, and two o’ them was getting’ weaker by the minute, and I knew I would be losin’ them soon. That night I couldn’t sleep; there was too many thoughts I had to think; and I had a funny, cold feelin’ creepin’ up from the dark places in my brain.


It were nigh onto sunrise when I saws my youngest rise from her bed and go to the fifth daughter, she patted her face and whispered quiet-like to Annie Lynne, that girl said “Yes.” Clear as a bell, keepin’ her eyes closed tight, and turned her head away from the baby.


That little hell-spawn opened her mouth, latched onto her own sister and stared makin’ these suckin’ noises, like a new litter o’ piglets tastin’ mama’s milk for the first time. When she looked up her eyes were glowin’ like a mad fox caught in lantern light.


Afore I could move, she done the same to her onlyest sister left, and then moved on t’ her own Momma and sucked her dry too. That’s when I knew what I hadta do.


The next night I told that spawn of Lucifer that we was going on an adventure. She seemed happy as can be to hear that. We lit two lanterns and I almost’ crawled to the caverns out on Hadley’s Hill. I led her to the room of pits, far away back in the dirt.


We sat there in the fadin’ light of the lantern and talked. Where I found the words I dunno, I know I prayed one more time to the Lord, and this time he answered my pleas.


I pushed with all my might, 

I pushed with all my love.


I pushed that tiny body

Into the deep, dark pit.


I heard her holler as she fell,

But I never heard her hit.


The next day a gentle, forgivin’ sort o’ rain fell, and kept on fallin’; fallin’ until all the valley were green and growin’ again, and everyone left was getting’ meat on their bones and crops in their fields.”


The little man swallowed the last of his whiskey, and spoke in a chilling whisper.


“I heard her holler as she fell,

But I never heard her hit.


An’ sometimes I dream I turn around and I see them devils eyes o’ hers risin’ outta that pit after me.” Cecil rose in the shadows of the closing bar, thanked Jake softly and walked away with his rope.


They found him, where he had hung himself from the railroad bridge over Hadley River the next mornin’.


Until the day he died, Jake could never forget them words:


“I heard her holler as she fell

But I never heard her hit.”

Inspired by Thalia

Posted in Blogging Memes, Family History, My Inspirations, Old Deep Roots, Soul Food Cafe Fun with tags , , , , , on 25/08/2009 by gwenguin1

I read Thalia’s post on her Soul Cloak yesterday, and it inspired me to write if my own Soul Cloak.  Since I didn’t wish to copy Thalia’s idea I wove a cloak that suits me.

Here is the link to Thalia’s Soul Cape post:


My Soul Cloak?  Hrmmmmnnnnnnnhhhh… I must ponder this, not for long though, my instincts usually don’t steer me wrong.


To me, Soul and Spirit are rather interchangeable, despite nit-picking to the contrary.  Soul means the eternal something we all had when we were born, that part which idenditifies with your chosen Diet (ies). 


I think the distinction betwixt the two words is this; the Soul is attached to a physical form for the span of that lifetime.  A Spirit can exist on the physical plane of awareness, to a degree, without a physical form.


So… Does my Soul Cloak have any relation to my Scar Coat?  I should think so, the scars were earned in the trenches, as it were, and my scars are an integral part of my personal beauty.


 Had I not experienced things that would create lasting scars, I would not shine like I seem to be doing frequently these days.


And what about my Dream Coat?  Surely I cannot forget that!  Dreams are what keep you going when nothing else will, not even promises.  Dreams allow us to retain innocence and joy.


I’d need all the accessories I use to do what I do, so this has to be an enormous cloak!!  Blessed with delightful pockets and small bags, with intriguing shapes tucked into them.  And I would make it with an oversized hood, so that I could create a wee spot of privacy whenever and wherever I wished.


The cloth for my cloak would be spun of stardust and glamourie.  I would dye it with dewdrops and snuggles, soften it with sunshine and the scent of favourite flowers, lavender, chamomile, alyssum, and roses, and the smell of well-loved earth.


I would lay it out and cut it with an eye towards the future, and sew it with ties from my past.  Sparkling like the finest diamonds, the magical days of my life decorate the cloak that swirls around me, from my shoulders to my feet.


Hiding in the shadows of the cloth are the darkest times I have known, the times that taught me some of the most important lessons of this lifetime.  For decoration I have sewed in favourite films, old jokes, and family not-too-exaggerated legends.


The outside of my cloak feels like a high-quality Plushy Animal, the sort of texture that dares you and begs you to bury your fingers in the downy pile.  Since Soul Cloaks are often used in comforting the shoulders are padded with Gore-Tex so they dry quickly after being cried upon.


Soul Cloaks are frequently used as a shelter for someone needing a respite, so the inside must be light and pleasant, so they are comfortable.  The cloak will be lined with smooth linen, line-dried and fresh-pressed, the fabric is embroidered in dainty satin stitches, all sort of interesting minutiae to get a conversation going when someone needs to talk, but doesn’t know where to start.


My cloak also needs to rest lightly, so as never to be burdensome, and strong enough to last all the lifetimes I am blessed with.  It also needs to be well provisioned with laughter, hugs and kisses, and encouragement.


There is always a warm pot of hope and the back of the stove, and there are plenty of mugs for everyone.  I can play music for you, whatever genre, and volume you desire (within reason on the volume, please).


Last but not least my, Soul Cloak must reflect my faith and ideals, loving, honest, honourable, and straightforward.   And that is how I made my Soul Cloak.

The Poet Awakens Again

Posted in Everday Living, My Inspirations, Poetry with tags , , on 19/08/2009 by gwenguin1

In my heart I love writing prose far more than poetry, yet so many people whose opinions I respect have told me that I am ‘good’ at poetry (whatever that means, lol).  So, I keep on writing poems,  even though I think that they are nothing to write home about.  Anywhoodlz, here is my latest poem, inspired by an incredibly sweet dream that remained clear and viable long after I had awakened.



I went to sleep, as I always do,

Alone and lonely,

Wishing to be a lover.

Loved and loving,

No longer a solitary heart.


Then I began to dream,

So clear and sweet,

I wanted to sleep forever.

You and I, as one,

Bathed in luxury, and joy.


As lovers we were

Inexpressibly matched.

The least touch was

Starlight and Heaven,

Magic of the highest form.


We were at once

Scarlett and Rhett,

Arthur and Guinevere,

Adam and Eve, and

You and I.


Whether we were met

By Royalty in Castles;

Holy Men atop Mountains,

Or the Common Man

In the crowded streets.


We were met with

Honour and love;

Everywhere we went

We were respected

And bathed by our love.


Once I was wrapped in

Green velvet gown;

Like the Lady of

Welcome Summer

And the return of Plenty.


The we were clad like

Kings of the Far East in

Rare Silks and Jewellery.

Perfumed by musks and

Sweet Sandalwood.


We were gowned in nothing,

Naked and unashamed,

Innocent and innocence.

No shame of our

God-given forms.


The in we rode the range,

Jeans and chambray.

Fine steeds and

Soaring hawk as

Our procession.


The we were blessed

No longer two, but

Planning for three.

Surprised by two

Sons so like their sire.


Who would wish to

Waken from this glory?

To worry about trifles

And be inundated with

Childish trivialities.


So now I sit, alone,

And more lonely

Than I was, carrying

The knowledge that

I had just dreamed.

Souper Saturday

Posted in Blogging Memes, My Inspirations, Poetry, You can do these! with tags , , , , , on 04/07/2009 by gwenguin1

My friend Shiloh; you remember Shiloh, I know; inspired me again with one of ner posts.  This one an ABC’s of Independence Day.  You can find hers at:


My ABC’s are below:


The ABC’s of Independence Day


A is for Atlantic,

Wide Ocean between

The Colonies and King.

Betwixt the two.

Views and ideas

Were changed

And then challenged.


B is for Betsy Ross,

Leaning over her sewing

In red, white and blue.

Stripes and Stars,

Symbolising the Hopes

Of Thirteen Colonies

Seeking freedom.


C is for Continental Congress,

Penning the words:

“We hold these truths to

Be Self-Evident,

That all men are created equal.

Endowed by their Creator

With certain unalienable rights.”


D is for “Don’t tread on me”,

Emblazoned beneath a snake

Coiled to strike out in defence.

A banner to rally round

An ideal to fight for

A country to begin building

A dream now dreamt around the world.


E is for Equal,

“All men are created equal.”

We still strive towards this.

Men should be counted by their deeds;

Not by the colour of their skin

The label on their faith

Or where they live.


F is for French,

Our Allies across the sea,

The creators of Lady Liberty.

Whether explorers, Nobility,

Simple Farmers, or trappers

These amis have become

Part of the faces and names here.


G is for Guerrilla Warfare

Quite the change from the

Stylised and rigid ways of war

Practised in Europe for years.

Hidden behind hillocks,

Or the rafters of barns

Were fearless rebels.


H is for History Teachers,

Passing on the stories of our

Forefathers’ deeds and dreams.

More than dates and places,

The story of what was won,

The dreams to be made real

The strength we are heir to.


I is for Indians,

The first, true Americans,

More than Pocahontas.

Whether it was Crazy Horse

In the South West,

Or Squanto

In the North West.


J is for Justice;

As in “Justice for all.”

The way the founders meant it.

Not for just the moneyed few,

The famed and beautiful folks,

Or those with political power,

But for every single American.


K is for Key;

The composer Francis Scott Key,

Witnessing a battle at night.

“Oh say can you see

By the dawn’s early light?

What so proudly we hailed

At the twilight’s least gleaming.”


Lis for Life,

All men are ordained with certain unalienable rights,

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

By these lofty ideals we were begun,

None are but chattels,

Not by name, race or faith

Can they be denied.


M is for Marquis,

The Marquis de Lafayette

Leaving his homeland.

To support  via deed

Finance spent upon it

This pretty dream,

That will be America.


N is for National Anthem,

Sing it standing,

With hand o’er heart.

Sing out in the voice

Of millions of dreams

“Whose broad stripes and bright stars

Through the perilous fight.”


O is for Open Elections,

Over two hundred years

Of National intention.

We are free to choose

Who our leaders will be

They are not born to the role,

But should earn it through service.


P is for  Pie;

All-American pastry treat,

Full  of juicy apples,   of course.

One of the trio

Of American symbols

With seasons of Baseball,

And barbequed Hot Dogs.


Q is for Quitters,

Something that the rebels weren’t

No, they held on no matter how drear.

With feet frozen,

Clothed in near rags.

With no food in their bellies

Or fire for warmth.


R is for Red Coats

The British uniform,

Also called Lobsterbacks.

The bright red jackets

And crossed white bands

They were walking targets

For the Sons of Liberty.


S is Stars and Stripes,

The bright-hued  flag

That watches o’er this land.

Stripes of red and white

Stars of shining white

On their field of blue

One for each original colony.


T is Taxation,

Our forefathers decreed

Taxation without representation unfair.

We were granted to right

To say nay to taxes

We deemed unfair

Or unnecessary.


U is for Under Siege,

Something we have survived

Time and time again.

From the Revolutionary War,

To the Civil War/War of Northern Aggression,

On the balmy shores of Pearl Harbor

And the Towers of 9-11.


V is Valley Forge

A frozen and starved bivouac

For the fledgling army.

Despite the icy darkness

Stars hidden by clouds

Very few fires for warmth,

Still the patriots persevered.


W is for  White House’

Home of our Leaders

And Fortress of our hopes.

It has housed Heroes, Royalty from everywhere

Movie stars and starlets

And the lines of everymen that

Tour her halls and our heritage.


X is for “X”-tremes

The complementing climates

Of fifty diverse states.

From Alaska’s sub-Arctic climes,

To Hawaii’s tropical shores.

We boast forests, mountains,

Oceans and lakes, and deserts.


Y is for Youthful Outlook,

That our culture can boast,

Born of many ways and places.

From the souls of every country,

In dances fast or slow,

In the voice of many instruments,

And stories immigrating with us.


Z is for Zephyr,

Those sweet cooling breezes

Wafting past our waning grills.

Seated in lawn chairs, or stadium seats,

Awaiting the magic

In fireworks’ shifting glow.

Welcome to Hunab Ku

Posted in Blogging Memes, Bookworm Tales, Journey of Hunab Ku, My Inspirations, Reviews and Previews with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 08/06/2009 by gwenguin1

The three of us, Mum, Matt, and myself were pottering about in the used bookstore a few days ago and I found a wonderful book for reawakening your Spirit and Creativity.  It is called  “Hunab Ku- 77 Sacred Symbols for Balancing Body and Spirit”, written by Karen Speerstra and Joel Speerstra.


I opened the book and within the fist 2 pages (of the Introduction) knew that I had found the seeds for a deep garden of perennials.  The first Symbol is perfect for where I am in my my Cycle.


When you build anything, you start with the base.  With this symbol, they have combined Native American Mythology, Chakra Medicine, and Mayan Numerology to create our base.  Seated in the Muladhara Chakra, bathed in the red of ochre, the color of birth-blood and buried with the builders of the the Effigy Bear Mound in McGregor, Iowa, United States.  Expressed with the Mayan 1 for Solitude and Strength, it symbolises our return to the womb or cave to rest and rally our forces befiore returning to an active role in our lives.


Another symbol inherent in the Great Bear Mound is the powerful,protective aspect of Mother Bear with her cubs.  Ursus Major could as easily be Ursus Mater, with her cub, Ursus Minor sparkling along with her in the night skies.

I will be searching for my own Bear Archetypes and tales over the next week, and I welcome anything you would like to share, O Constant Reader (TY Stephen King for the nickname).

Another Cool Writing Meme

Posted in Blogging Memes, Everday Living, My Inspirations, Poetry, Reviews and Previews, Soul Food Cafe Fun with tags , , , , , on 10/04/2009 by gwenguin1

My friend Shiloh also turned me onto this form of poetry, and I intend to have a great deal of fun with it!


You can see Shiloh’s response here:


I think she has quite  a hand for this form.


Shoulder to the Sea


Let It Be

Let the Sunshine

Sunshine on my Shoulders

Sunshine of my Love

Love the One You’re With

Loves Me Like A Rock

Rock the Nation

Rock and Roll All Night

Night Moves

Night Chicago Died

Died on the Blue Highway

Dies In Your Arms Tonight

Tonight, Tonight

Tonight’s the Night

Nights In White Satin

Night Time

Time Out For Fun

Time of the Night

Night on Bald Mountain

Night Music

Music of the Spheres

Music Man

Man of La Mancha

Man on the Silver Mountain

Mountain Hop (Misty)

(Aint’t No) Mountain High

High Hopes

High Summer

Summer of ‘69

Summer In The City

City of New Orleans

City of the Condemned

Condemned System

System Failure

System Breakdown

Breakdown in ¾

Breakdown (Keep Moving)

Moving In Stereo

Moving Pictures

Pictures of Matchstick Men

Pictures of Home

Home Sweet Home

Home By the Sea

Sea of Mercy

Sea & Sand




I’ve been Inspired Again

Posted in Blogging Memes, Everday Living, My Inspirations, Soul Food Cafe Fun, SS Vulcania, The Soundtrack Of My Life with tags , , , , , on 10/04/2009 by gwenguin1

My friend Shiloh,, you remember Shiloh?  Finds some cool writing memes, and this one is no exception.  I had myself a challenging good time writing my response to this meme.


Pick a band/artist:

I chose-Harry Chapin

“All My Life’s A Circle”

Are you male or female? The moon rolls through the nighttime.

Describe yourself: All my life’s a circle.

How do you feel about yourself?   Seems like I’ve been here before.

Describe your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend:  Just like a children’s game.

Describe your current boy/girl situation: And as I see you here again.

Describe your current location: Sunrise and Sundown

Describe where you want to be: And so far, no dead ends.

Your best friend is:  I’ve found you a thousand times.

Your favorite color is: The seasons’ spinning round again

You know that: Our love is like a circle.

What’s the weather like? Till the daybreak comes around.

If your life was a television show what would it be called?  Let’s go round one more time.

What is life to you?   No straight lines make up my life.

What is the best advice you have to give?  Let’s go ‘round one more time.

If you could change your name what would you change it to? Circle (Circe)

*smirking to myself*


Thursday Thirteen

Posted in Blogging Memes, Everday Living, My Inspirations, You can do these! with tags , , , , , on 16/01/2009 by gwenguin1

Shiloh is a constant source for things to blog for me, and this is the first in a continuing  series of blogging memes.  They are called the Thursday Thirteen, and I am starting with Thirteen Things about me, for every letter of the alphabet.  Today is the letter “A”.











1: Adventurous- for me an adventure is anything from checking out a new website to camping in the middle of Mr. Black Bear’s territory.

2: Artistic- this blog and some others are full of my artistic endevours, not only pencil, pen and ink, and watercolour paintings, there is also digital art, prose and poetry that I can claim as my work.


3: Angelic:  I don’t know about this, there have been people that call me an angel, but I’ve torn too much of my clothes on my devil-horns to accept that.


4: Amethyst: one of the June birthstones, and one of my birthstones.


5: Astrologian- I am a student of astrology, I neither teach nor practice it, just study it.


6: Ambassadress, I consider mtself an Ambasadress for my faith (Wicca).  I hope that I can help to forge greater understanding and acceptance between traditionally antagoinistic faiths.


7: Ambidextrous- to a point, mostly from uncontrolled multi-tasking!  LOL


8: Anti-functional fixedness- I can think up more uses for one thing, a good example is my pen-knife, I call it my Multi-putpose tool.  I use it to clean under my nails, scrape gooey stuff off a surface, sharpen pencils, and so forth.


9: Associative- as in free-associative, when someone says a w0rd I will see a nymber of different images I associate with that word.


10: Androgynyous- I don’t restrict my interests because they are ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’, I enjoy drag racing as much as I do cooking, and playing with automobiles as much as sewing, crocheting or embroidery.


11: Anachronistic- I have always felt out of place, step and time in the world as it is now.  That helps explain my preference for tales out of time and world.


12: American- as in Daughters of the American Revolution, which I could be if I so desired, my Mum’s Aunt is a member.


13: Angry- something I prefer to not be!!  LOL

“We Must Start Now”

Posted in Bookworm Tales, It's In The Cards, My Inspirations, Reviews and Previews, SS Vulcania, You can do these! with tags , , , on 03/01/2009 by gwenguin1

Despite its rather dramatic appearance, the title of this post is quite innocuous.


For Christmas  Mum found me the loveliest ‘kit’, called “The Writer’s Retreat Kit”, it comes with a book and 24 cards, 20 of which are lists of writing prompts.


My friend, Shiloh, myself and Mum are using these prompts.  And our prompt for today is this: “We must start now…”.


“We must start now.”  She said, in her tiresome, oh-so-prim voice, the voice that irritated three generations of the family.  She was the Matriach so it was verboten to argue or show irritation. 


“You…”  She pointed at the eldest.  “You will do as I say, without any of your romantic notions.  We do not indulge in such fancies in this family.”


“You, stop hiding behind the pillar, and stand where I can see you.”  The First Son had been sidling away, hoping to avoid another  dressing-down.


Second Son was sitting patiently, staring at nothing, his eyes faraway.  Youngest Daughter was still young enough to have tasted little of the sharp side to Matriach’s temperament.


“You.”  Matriarch returned her attention to Eldest, her heir and grand-daughter.  “You will go, with the duenna I choose, and you will do it with the grace and character our family is known for.”


“But, Grandmother…”  Eldest began.


“But nothing, you have known since weaning this is what you are expected to do.”  Matriarch voice grew  sharper.  Eldest’s brothers cringed, knowing how quickly Matriarch lectures could turn into a harangue on every failing,  flaw, and sin (real or imagined) of the one who dared question her, even if Matriarch was patently in error.


“You will not deviate one whit from what I have said.  None of your complaints, whining or wheedling, you know what to do, and how to do it.”  Matriarch’s voice was hard as rocks underfoot.


“Yes, Matriarch.”  Eldest put as much acquiescence as she could pretend into her voice, hoping to allay Matriarch and thus save the entire family from being harangued interminably.


“Now… go and pack your things, and none of those silly paints or diaries.  Pack your prettiest clothes, and all of your jewellery.  Get some prettier slippers than those frights on your feet now!  And while you’re at it, get yourself a makeover, you look frumpy and spinsterish.”


“Yes Grandmother.”  Eldest stood and walked from the room, her grace and energy in every line. 


“And walk like a lady, not an alley cat in heat!!!”  Matriarch’s words followed her like vengeful bees, still intent on stinging.


“You!”  Matriarch turned her attention to Eldest Son.  “Have you done as I told you and ectricated yourself from that… that… moggy?”  None of the ladies Eldest Son had been seen in the company of met Matriach’s exacting standards.


“Yes Matriach.”  Eldest Son was a skilled dissembler, he had no intention of shedding himself of a charming, intelligent, and well-bred lady’s attention because of some imagined flaw Matriarch found.


“Good.  I have arranged for you to meet some suitable young ladies tomorrow evening.  Do be charming, and well-dressed.  We can’t have them thinking that we cannot afford proper clothes.”


Eldest Son knew what that meant, another evening of listening to Matriarch pontificate to some weak, insipid femmes, with no spirit or passion.


“You!!”  Matriarch turned to Youngest Son, who ferigned complete attention.  “Hmmmnnnppphhh…  I doubt you were paying attention.”


Younget Son rattled off everything that had been said, inflection-perfect.


“Don’t be impertinent, it is not likeable or attractive.”  Matriarch never relented, or admitted that she might be wrong.  “Go, and tell Eldest Sister that she needs to hurry, she will be leaving in just three days.”

Youngest Son left Matriarch room gratefully and went to Eldest Daughter’s rooms.  She was giggling with the duenna Matriarch had chosen.


“We did it!  We did it!!  Matriarch is so sure we are fighting  she wouldn’t consider sending anyone else!!”  Eldest Daughter and the duenna embraced and threw themselves across the bed.

Inspiration From Shiloh

Posted in Everday Living, Family History, Munchable Memories, My Inspirations, Photo Phun, Reviews and Previews, Stuff And Nonsense, You can do these! with tags , , , , , on 30/11/2008 by gwenguin1
Fourth from Fourth

Fourth from Fourth




Shiloh ( ) posted this meme on her blog recently and I decided to go for it.


First, post the fourth picture from the fourth folder on your computer.  I went to the fourth folder on my computer and it only had 2 pictures.  I tried going one forward and one backward, and those folders contained copyrighted images.  Since that wasn’t working I went to the fourth folder of my photos and found this pic.  Since I am always ready to show off my kitty-girl I was pleased.


Then come the lists of eight!


8 Favourite TV Shows:

1)    Star Trek

2)    The X Files

3)    Night Gallery

4)    Animal Police

5)    The Pink Panther (the original animated series)

6)    Monty Python’s Flying Circus

7)      Planet Earth

8)    Most Evil


8 Things I did Yesterday:

1)    Made Thanksgiving Dinner

2)    Learned to Play Mexican Train Dominoes

3)    Laughed until my sides hurt

4)    Managed to get some of Skye’s feltings removed

5)    Gave Kryssi a small gift

6)    Got awesome hugs from Kryssi and Troy

7)    Had so much fun in the here and now that I forgot I have 2 cameras

8)    Slept for 12 hours straight


8 Things I look forward to:

1)    The next family get-together

2)    Watching Kryssi and Troy’s marriage prosper and grow

3)    Having a book published (someday)

4)    Watching the family young’uns grow up

5)    Continuing to enjoy my partnership with Shiloh

6)    Continuing to work with Soul Food Café

7)    Growing old with Skye

8)    Learning more cool stuff


8 Favourite Restaurants:

1)    Filibertos (what’s not to like about ‘real’ Mexican food?)

2)    Red Lobster (of course)

3)    Good ol’ Kentucky Fried Chicken (they make the best cole slaw- bar none)

4)    Chompies Bagel Factory and Deli

5)    Olive Garden (pretty close to homemade Italian)

6)    Barro’s Chicago Style Pizza (clean restaurant, quality food, and excellent service)

7)    China China  (I love good Chinese food)

8)    Tom’s BBQ (they make these incredible fried onions)


8 things on my ‘Wish List’:

1)                To travel ‘round the world and give my online friends ‘real’ hugs.

2)                To have a number of books published.

3)                To spend days in the Louvre.

4)                To celebrate my Birthday (the Summer Solstice) at Stonehenge.

5)                To reach further back with my family tree, to see of we really are descendants of Petosegay of the Ottowa Peoples.

6)                Hear Bagpipes played in the Scottish Highlands.

7)                Visit Ireland to see where my Irish ancestors came from.

8)                To meet the members of my favourite band.  (Rush)

One of my Alter-Ego’s’ ‘Gratitude List’

Posted in Everday Living, My Inspirations, Pirates' Tales, Soul Food Cafe Fun, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on 22/11/2008 by gwenguin1

Being a writer, I  create characters, some of which take on a life of their own.  One of those is my Pirate self, One-Eyed Red.  She is a ship’s cook and doctor on board the pirate ship Calabar Felonway on the seas of Lemuria.


Lemuria is part of an amazing Creatives Site that has a worldwide membership and readership, called Soul Food Cafe ( Pythian Games, soulfoodcafe : Soul Food Cafe, Pythian Games, Priscilla’s World Tour ,The Calabar – Pirate Ship ) any of these should guide you to the alluvial flats of Soul Food Cafe, where you can meet writers, artists, artisans of all types, and many other creative folks as well as see what they create.


One-Eyed Red is a Pirate’s Pirate, her face is always red, from both the wind and the heat of her belowdecks cookstove.  It is her duty to care for the Pirate Crew’s bellies and health: a job she takes seriously and does as best she can.  You can count on her for a pipe and a chat whether you’re above or belowdecks, she will be utterly honest, yet she displays kindness on a daily basis.

“Now then, is yon ladie finished singing praises like one o’ them wee yellow canaries?”  Red fills her pipe deftly, and lights it with a long sliver of wood, alight from the stove’s flames.


“She is like that, she is, allus ready t’ see th’ good in other, and share the good wi’ anyone that’ll listen to her.”  She pulls in a few fagrant puffs and lifts her feet to rest on a small keg.


“I canna complain, she did gi’ me a voice, and a life.  And she is a right good un’, fer a landlubber.”  Red winks around the smoke from her pipe.  The heat and steam in her kitchem have her hair escaping from its’ tight braid in a corona of ringlets around her solemn, chunky face.  She flips up the patch on her left eye and rubs the eye  underneath before fanning it for a monment, the skin beneath a startkling white in contrast to her sun and wind-burned face.


“Noo, I asked her tae let me tell ye good folks what I am grateful for in me Pirate life.

Fairst, I am grateful for the faith that keeps me strong an. happy.

I am exceeding grateful for me Mum an’ Da for bringin’ me intae the world, an’ welcoming me as well.

I am thankful every day for bein given the freedom tae be who I is, nae what others would want me tae be.

I love music and thank the Gods every day fer th’ joy of it.

I am grateful that I am still able to sail on the Calabar, an’ do me job well.

I am humbled an’ exalted that I am gifted wi’ the friends I am blessed with.

The Sun, Moon, an’ stars that guide me across the sweet waters of the Lemurian seas.

Th’ seasons an’ elements, for their gift of life an’ kmowing that everythin’ that hae been, will be again.

Laughter, for ’twill chase away almost any megrim what might be weighing yer spirit doon.

An’ I am grateful fer all th’ gifts o’ our world, an’ all th’ wonder o’ th’world as well.”


Red leans forward and tamps her pipe into the cookstove and stands, immediately matching the rhythm of the waves against the hull.


“Noo laddies, I must be gettin back to feedin’ amd carin’ for ye, an’ I would be lyin’ if I didnae say that I get such joy frae havin’ all o’ ye in me life.”  She turns to the stove, stirs a couple kettles and hums off-key and tempo.


And that is what One-Eyed Red is grateful for!!

What I Am Grateful For

Posted in Bombazilla, Bookworm Tales, Critter Tails, Everday Living, Family History, Gwenerella, Misspent Youth, Munchable Memories, My Inspirations, My Soapboxes, Old Deep Roots, You can do these! with tags , , , , on 22/11/2008 by gwenguin1

I would be poor indeed if I did not list the things I am grateful for:

The 10 Things I am grateful for:
1) Hope
2) Loving and being loved
3) Friends
4) Family
5) Laughter
6) Pets of any kind
7) Music
8) Books
9) Colours
10) Faith

What You’re Grateful For

Posted in Everday Living, My Inspirations, My Soapboxes, Old Deep Roots, You can do these! with tags , , , on 22/11/2008 by gwenguin1

As I said in the previous post, I asked friends what they were grateful for, and here are the responses O recieved:



From PSP With Friends:



My Gratitude list:


1.  My Heavenly Father

2. My family

3.  My pets

4.  My good friends & my Internet family

5.  My health

6.  My blessings from the Heavenly Father

7.  My ability to grow wiser, financially, spiritually.

8.  My hobbies.

9.  The chance to be a blessing to others.

10.  The change of the seasons.



Ten things I am Grateful For:

Lord Jesus
My Mom
All my wonderful Friends and extend family
The love for PSP and sharing with others
All the animals in this world
To have a life of my own once again.
To be in the country and enjoy nature all around me.
Clothes to wear and food in my stomach
Gladness  to be able to smile and also to shed tears for friends, family and my own sorrows at times.
Glad for all the wonderful people I have met in my life, each one has given me the best gift of all, a place in my heart.




Ten Things I am Grateful For

my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
my husband and best friend, Chuck
my  family
my church family
my Learn PSP family
my friends
my animal babies
To have a roof over my head
Food on my table
clothes on my back
and each and everyone of you! opps that`s eleven!
MaryLou Wescott




From Dane’s Ladies



That one makes you stop & think , Good Question :


1. Life

2. Family

3. Friends

4. A Roof Over Our Head    

4. Food in our bellies

5. A Car To Get Places

6. A Job To Make Money

7. My Health

8. My Pets , Beagle { Peanut }

9. Coffee . lol

10. God , That is Good To Us





If any of my reraders would like to add their 10 Things I am grateful for list, you can post it as a comment here, or send it to me in an e-mail at, mark the e-mal re: 10 Things so I know it isn’t spam.

Gratitude- Ten Things

Posted in Everday Living, Family History, My Inspirations, My Soapboxes, You can do these! with tags , , , , on 22/11/2008 by gwenguin1

My friend Shiloh threw a blog party to celebrate gratitude, and I am still thinking about gratitude.  I asked friends to tell me what they’re grateful for, as well as asking my Mum.  Since Mum is here with me she wrote her list on a piece of paper.  The list so charmed and delighted me that I had to scan it and post her list as she wrote it.

This is Our Bomba

I know it sounds rather silly, but Mum is in pain so much of the time that she is sadly cranky, her list was 100% ‘Our Bomba’.  I was so soked to see that Bomba that I wanted to show her off, as well as the darling drawing she put on her list.  I’ve always envied Mum her ability to do those quick sketches that remind me of a DaVinci study.


Bomba is Grateful For

Bomba is Grateful For

Gratitude and the Harmonic Convergence

Posted in Everday Living, It's In The Cards, My Inspirations, My Soapboxes, Old Deep Roots, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 18/11/2008 by gwenguin1

A word of warning to those who read this: I am crazy, my friend Shiloh will attest to this.  I was debating on whether to say anything about this or not.  The crux of the matter is this-I feel that I must say something about it.

I have long been a student of both world mythology, and comparative faiths.  Putting aside labels and preconceptions allows anyone to see what I have seen.

The truth is so simple that we often overlook it, and resort to labels and stereotypes for the sake of comfort.  Setting them aside is a sobering and uplifting experience, to realise that all ‘real’ faiths are rooted deeply into the same spiritual soil.  We all (seperate faiths) believe in a Creative Power higher than ourselves, and that Power bases our ideals in the most powerful, transformative emotion we express.


I understand if the old labels and stereotypes stand in your way for a time, that is human nature; to remain within a comfort zone, as it were.  Those of us that are close enough to our personal Deity (ies), in an everyday, practical manner will see the logic and truth in what I am saying.   Different styles of worshipping are much like the different flavours (races) are simply a matter of geography.  If some of you are upset by this and stop reading, I understand and hold no hard feelings for any of you.  For those that do continue on this journey, welcome, and love overflowing to you.

Now, I’m sure a great deal of you reading know of the Harmonic Convergence expected on 20, December 2012.  So many people are calling the End Times, and the End of the World.  I cannot agree with that.  Simply read the Biblical passage, to paraphrase, “And there was a New Heaven and Earth, for the Old Heaven and Earth had passed away.”.  That does not sound like the End of Everything, more like a rebirth on all levels.

Rebirth, it means- to be reborn after a death, whether real or symbolic.  In the Christian faiths one is considered to be reborn through commitment to the laws of God.

In Wicca it is the rebirth of fertility and life at the Vernal Equinox.  On any road, faith rooted in love celebrates and thanks the Deity (ies) for Their Love and Generosity.

About a year ago a special friend of mine taught me how to ‘read’ crystals.  I found and purchased a pair of lovely quartz crystals before that, and I have been slowly reading them.  Being a learning junkie, I read all sorts of informational texts, as well as being addicted to NatGeoTV, History Channel, and so forth.

I watched the show that NatGeoTV did on the giant crystal cave that was found in Mexico.  That was not too long after I began dreaming in another language, not one of romance languages mind you.  That would not have surprised me; I have learned some French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Hungarian, and Romany.  I didn’t recognise the language I was dreaming in, but I understood it.

My dear friend, Shiloh, turned me on to a Foreign Language Dictionary site.  I downloaded languages I understood, and then branched out, getting dictionaries in Tibetan, and Sanskrit as well as Old English and Old Norse.

One day, for giggles and grins, I decided to wander through the dictionaries to see if I could find anything that was similar to the language I was dreaming in.  After a few tries that came up with nothing, I peeked into the Sanskrit-English Dictionary, and there were the words that I still remembered months later.  Not only did I recognise them in print, they were applicable to the other specifics of the dream.  That was weird enough for me to pay closer attention to the things that were cropping up in my everyday life.  These little things began to add up (to me anywhooodlz) to a big something.

As I am writing this I intuit that (after another reading of my biggest crystal) we, all of mankind are supposed to celebrate the Harmonic Convergence with worldwide prayers of Celebration and Thanksgiving, each in the manner of our own faith, during the time of the exact convergence.  I further feel that this unified front of faith is what is needed to usher in the ‘New Heaven and Earth”.


For those that are interested, the exact phrase that I hear is “Raghuttama raNa” pronounced- ‘Ray whoo tama rah-ah nay’.  The phrase refers to (to the best of my knowledge) honouring the two 2 greatest warriors of the Raghu race.

I intuit that this is the phrase that the Keepers of the ‘Key Crystals’ are supposed to sing as a round or chant, a capella.

Soprano, ray whoo, tama rah ah nay

     2nd Soprano, ray whoo, tama rah ah nay

                           Alto, ray whoo, tama rah ah nay

                                  Tenor, ray whoo, tama rah ah nay

                                         Baritone, ray whoo, tama rah ah nay

                                                           Bass, ray whoo tama rah ah nay

As each voice group finishes the phrase they start again.

My instincts tell me that this will create a resonance between the Key Crystals, and the Cave of Giant Crystals.

On a quick side note, the Cave of Giant Crystals began to grow about the same time as the last Harmonic Convergence, some 5.000 years ago.

In the meantime, all of us can spread words of love and cooperation through our words and actions.  Celebrate and be Thankful that we are the ones to usher in the next Age of Mankind.

I do not claim to know everything, and so I welcome anything that you, patient reader, may have to share on this subject.

Namaste, God Bless, So Mote It Be, Shalom, Salaam.  Let us sing the praises of our Deity (ies), and speak Gratitude for their Love and Generosity.

Just In Time For The Full Moon

Posted in Misspent Youth, My Inspirations, Photo Phun, Reviews and Previews, Scaddy Kiddies, Stuff And Nonsense with tags , , , , , on 17/10/2008 by gwenguin1

I have my second video up and running, in time for the full Moon, I present to you:




Enjoy my dears!

Halloween’s A-Comin’

Posted in Everday Living, Family History, Misspent Youth, My Inspirations, Old Deep Roots, Photo Phun, Reviews and Previews, Scaddy Kiddies with tags , , , , on 08/10/2008 by gwenguin1

It’s October again, and we all know what that means:


This year I am doing something fairly new for me: I am doing some brief (for me) photomontages set to music on the constants of Halloween.  I have finished the first one and it can be viewed at:

I hope you enjoy this, I had a ball getting it just so.


Posted in Misspent Youth, My Inspirations, Pirates' Tales, Soul Food Cafe Fun, Stuff And Nonsense with tags , , , , on 20/07/2008 by gwenguin1

Now then me hearties.


Are ye in th’ way o’ knowin’ what a Pirate’s favourite music is?




What else could it be but…


Aaaaarrrrrrrrr-d rock.


*slowly polishing my battered halo*

The Portal In My Front Yard

Posted in My Inspirations, Soul Food Cafe Fun, The 3rd Enchanteur Journey with tags , , , , , , , on 18/07/2008 by gwenguin1

I went for a walk in my front yard, having my digital camera in one hand and digital video camera in the other.  There is a path of stepping-stones from the front porch to the ‘Alleged Cow Skull’-which is a whole ‘nother story for some other time.


This time I went out and noticed one in a straggling row of identical stones looked different, I couldn’t describe it, but it looked a little odd.   Of course, being a nosey parker I had to go investigate.  As I got closer there seemed to be a shadow where there shouldn’t be one.  By the time I was standing on the stone next to the weirdo, I was very intrigued.


As I looked at it, it started growing, yes!  Growing!!  Soon it was large enough for even someone as round as I am to fit into comfortably, with a ‘what the hey’ shrug I carefully lifted the stone.


It weighed far less than I expected, no more than a fibreglass auto hood, something anyone could raise easily.  There was a tunnel under it, disappearing into darkness.  There was a spiral staircase leading down in to the shadows.


I popped back in the house and grabbed a flashlight, water and a couple bags of snacks; adventuring is hungry and thirsty work you see.  Pye and Skye were determined to go with me, despite being complete indoor cats.  The closest they get to the wilds is smelling the bottoms of our shoes.


So, there we went, slowly, with lots of stops for sniffings; once the light had begun to fade away I turned on my flashlight.  Then I could see the bottom of the stairway, a ring of seemingly identical doorways, carved out roughly.


I peeked in the first door, and backed away when I smelt a dreadful stench.  The second door was drip-drip-dropping, and there was a forest of stalactites and stalagmites stretching past my view.


The next doorway opened into a cave, with bed-like shelves carved in the walls, curtains made of animal hides, tanned to velvet perfection.  A fire burned by the far wall, which had doorways, and one of those showed an outdoor scene of surreal loveliness.


A desert scenario it most certainly wasn’t!  There were dense evergreens climbing a steep hillside, high-country grasses, and as a stunning backdrop, the green expanse of an enormous glacier.  I saw a movement, and two people entered the cave from a side doorway, ringed in handprints of rich red ochre.


“Ah, you are finally here!”  The male form motioned to me to come over.  When I moved forward the cats stick close to my side, and their eyes checked everything out with great interest.


“I see that your familiars heard the call as well as you.  This is even better than I hoped!”  I knew that the man was not speaking any recognisable language, yet I clearly understood him.


“I am your very distant past, and you were called here deliberately.  There is something you need to find; it somewhere between my time, and yours.  I do not know what it is, I just know that you must find it.”


“Dear, can you not let the Lady sit to hear the whole tail?  She will be on her feet enough in her Search.”  The woman spoke, she was blessed with a beautiful alto voice, full of gentleness and humour.


“Ach!  I am so sorry my dear.  I was just so excited at the prospect of meeting a descendant I forgot my manners!”  The man motioned to an artful pile of furs, perfect for settling in for a long chat.


“Okay, you said I need to find an unknown something, in some other time than mine or yours.  Do any of us know why this is necessary?”  I pushed my glasses up my nose, and patted the furs as an invitation for Pye and Skye.


After a thorough and thoughtful smelling of the furs, Skye settled in, so picturesque against the black wolf skin.  Pye wasn’t quite ready to settle, so he contented himself by doing battle with the leg of a bearskin.


At that moment some other people entered the cave from outside, carrying a freshly killed something-or-other.  Trotting at their heels was a very wolfish pack of dogs, all yapping excitedly.


Pye and Skye stood together hugely a-fluff and ready to fight these… these… canines!  Me, being a Universal Mom, stood in front of my cats, to defend them.


The Alpha female stepped forward, and sniffed me, and the air, and them she returned to the pack, her dugs swollen with milk.  She wuffed once, and a tumbling pack of fur separated into a pile of fat puppies, headed to Mom for some dinner.


I couldn’t help but chuckle and say to myself, “Plus ça change, plus ç’est la même chose.”


“Yes. Quite.”  How in the name of all the Gods that ever were and ever will be did this… this… caveman understand modern French?!  Yes he was every inch a caveman, and nothing like they show on TV or in movies.


All of them were blessedly well groomed, and not one of them had an odour.  One of the women was busily rubbing what seemed to be chalk dust into a stain on a fur garment.  When she finished shaking the dickens out of it, she picked up a dried teasel seedpod and began to brush the fur with it.


When all of the stain was gone, and the fur shone, she nodded her head decisively and sat that fur to one side.  She picked up another and I could see her sighing from all the way over where I was sitting.


“That must be her husband’s fur!  I recognise that, ‘How does he manage to do this?’ sigh.”


The woman laughed and spoke to the woman frowning down at the fur.  “This is your husbands’ sleeping fur, isn’t it Daryea?”


The woman laughed, and then spoke.  “Yes, how could you tell?”


It seems that some things shall always be the same!”


“Excuse me Callyea?”


“Our guest has been telling us of the future.”


“She has?  How does she know?”  Daryea edged closer, her deep-set brown eyes alight with curiosity.


She is the one we sought.”


“Ohhh…  May I have the honour of serving her?”

“I would expect none other to serve her properly enough.”

To be continued…

Lighting a Chain Lanturne

Posted in My Inspirations, Poetry, Reviews and Previews on 27/05/2008 by gwenguin1

My friend, Shiloh, (you remember Shiloh, right?) introduced me to some challenging and lovely forms of the art of Haiku,   It started with her asking if I had ever heard of a Chain Lanturne Haiku.  Afyer she showed me her Chain. I suggested we each write a chain on the same general subject. We both decided to take a stab at a Chain Lanturne, since Shiloh had already written one, I followed the basic imagery she created and went from there.

We researched the form at the following links:,%20Tanka,Lantern,Chain%20Lanter

Poets and Poetry

Shadow Poetry — Resources — Haiku and Senryu


So, with all of this crowding about and vyiing for your attention, here are our attempts.


black and
yellow body,
settles on red

brilliant red
petals swirling

ere night falls,
petals close in,

near full moon,
silver blossoms’
Gwen M. Myers 


on a yellow

sets, pink,
orange paint the

a new day
with a pearly

open, a
yellow jacket

falls, the
rose gently
closes. Pleasant

orb hanging
o’er high mountain

Shiloh Cannon Blackburn.

May 25, 2008

You can also see Shiloh’s post at:


I hope you enjoy both posts, and want to come back for more!!

Playin’ With Haiku Forms

Posted in My Inspirations, Poetry, Reviews and Previews on 27/05/2008 by gwenguin1

I have been playing with some forms of Haiku poetry, these are my attempts at it:





Black mask,

long whiskers.





Pink mouth,

Pointed fangs.






stroking head.






blue, and bright.

Sharp claws,





careful moves.






Smelling mouse.

Ready now,




aglow.  Shine

eyes of red.

Child of




Oh Moon

bright silver.






brightly warm.

Seeks his





In trtusting




White blanket
Squeaks underfoot


Above snow
Like a still wave


red skin
Frozen clothes
Playing outdoors







An Iris for Kerry

Posted in My Inspirations, Soul Food Cafe Fun, Stuff And Nonsense with tags , , , , on 25/05/2008 by gwenguin1

Seeing the photos of Kerry’s Irises reminded me of the Irises I grew in Oregon, I miss them so.  All of them, but one in particular.


This rhizome (root) was mixed in with a bed of the Blue Flag irises, and my friend, Bella, gave them to me.  All I had to do was dig them up and transfer them to my flowerbeds.


I waited impatiently for next spring (from late summer) and the ‘Time of the Irises’.  At last, the Irises rose above the soil, with their leaves like giant blades of grass waving in the late spring-early summer breezes.


Then came the flower stalks themselves, each one reaching for the sun.  The buds appeared, each with their crinkling, brown papery coat.  I watched as the colours began to clarify.  Mostly lavender and purple, with a couple Sapphire Blue ones tossed in randomly.


At last!!!  One lone stalk shaded darker from burgundy-purple, and I knew I had my Black Iris!!  I was delighted, and so was my husband, he must have been, he went out and took photos of it.


My one Black Iris plant


So Kerry dear, an Iris to share with you.

Drawn by the Dreamtime

Posted in Misspent Youth, My Inspirations, Reviews and Previews on 21/05/2008 by gwenguin1

Not too long ago my friend Shiloh, you remember Shiloh, I hope, started a series on Inundation Myths from around the world, A few nights ago I read her blog entry for Australia and New Zealand indigenous peoples.  I was


A few nights ago I read her blog entry for Australia and New Zealand indigenous peoples.  I was immediately reminded of something from about 30 years ago. 


A long time ago, I watched a film that stuck in my memory, especially one term, that I understood without knowing.


The film “The Last Wave”, starring a young Richard Chamberlain was set in Oz and included some of the Aboriginal peoples and references to their mythos.

 Not only was I drawn and energised by the humming of the central Aboriginal character, I was caught by the term, “Dreamtime”.

 The term ‘Dreamtime’ or ‘Dreaming’ is the term that connected with me, and I immediately understood the meaning, reality and ramifications of it.

In order to satisfy my curiosity, I went poking about in Wikipedia and found the following information, which only reinforced my intuitive awareness.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *


 Origin of the term and definitions

The term was made popular by anthropologist W.E.H. Stanner, after an Aboriginal man had told him “white man got no Dreaming”, which Stanner subsequently entitled one of his books.

However, many argue it is an inadequate translation of the concept – from the Arrernte word, “Altyerre” – a concept largely unrelated to the European notion of dreams.

Even Stanner preferred the term “everywhen”, while T.G.H. Strehlow favoured “Eternal, Uncreated”.

 Robyn Davidson, in her recent Quarterly Essay on nomads, writes:

One could say that the Dreaming is a spiritual realm which saturates the visible world with meaning; that it is the matrix of being; that it was the time of creation; that it is a parallel universe which may be contacted via the ritual performance of song, dance and painting; that it is a network of stories of heroes – the forerunners and creators of contemporary man.



 Dreaming is a common term among Indigenous Australians for a personal, or group, creation and for what may be understood as the “timeless time” of formative creation and perpetual creating, as well as for the places and localities on Indigenous Australian traditional land (and throughout non-traditional Australia) where the uncreated creation spirits and totemic ancestors, or genius loci, reside. Other groups have pointed out there is no one English word that covers the concept, for example those Anangu that speak Pitjantjatjara use the word Tjukurpa and those that speak Yankunytjatjara use Wapar, but neither means dreaming

Aboriginals believe in two forms of time. Two parallel streams of activity. One is the daily objective activity … The other is an infinite spiritual cycle called the “dreamtime,” more real than reality itself. Whatever happens in the dreamtime establishes the values, symbols, and laws of Aboriginal society. Some people of unusual spiritual powers have contact with the dreamtime.

“The Everywhen”. This is an apt and evocative approximation to what the Indigenous Australian Peoples refer to in translation as the “All-at-once” Time which is experienced as a co-existing confluence of past, present and future. This does not counter the Indigenous Australians People’s concept of linear time, but it informs and qualifies it. Indigenous Australians considered the Everywhen of the Dreaming to be objective, whilst linear time was considered a subjective construction of waking consciousness of one’s own lifetime. This is in the converse of the European concept which views dreams as subjective and linear time as objective.

 The Dreaming establishes the structures of society rules for social behaviour and the ceremonies performed in order to ensure continuity of life and land. The Dreaming governs the laws of community, cultural lore and how peoples are required to behave in their communities. The condition that is The Dreaming is met when peoples live according to law, and live the lore: perpetuating initiations and Dreaming transmissions or lineages, singing the songs, dancing the dances, telling the stories, painting the Songlines and Dreamings.

 *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

 All of these years later, I discover that my intuiting of the Dreamtime was correct, and I now want to watch “The Last Wave” again (the fourth or fifth time) so I can pay closer attention to the scenes referring to the Dreamtime and Dreaming.

Do the Library Thing!!

Posted in Bookworm Tales, Everday Living, My Inspirations, Reviews and Previews with tags , , on 16/05/2008 by gwenguin1

I joined this cool-cool group online, called Library Thing, that allows you to cotalogue your books online, chat with other book lovers, find newe books, authors, and categories to enjoy, and other fun things.  I have added 38 books tonight; the reason I chose these specific books is that I am putting them in storage, and this list will (hopefully) keep me from buying doubles of titles I  already have.


Go check the place out and join if you like, there are worlds of reading adventure awaiting you!!

For Our Bobbie Jo

Posted in Everday Living, Family History, My Inspirations, Old Deep Roots with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 16/05/2008 by gwenguin1

This was written in response to the ‘Saddest Words’ prompt on


Once Upon a time, I was married, and loved my husband’s family as I do my blood kin.  Some of them were easier to love than others, my husband’s sisters Kathy and Melanie I still call onw another sisters and our love grew deeply and permanently.  From each of them I was blessed with a beautiful, loveable niece.


Our Kathy lived near my husband and I in Corvallis, Oregon with her sons, Brian and Brandon, and her daughter Roberta Joliene (Bobbie Jo).  Brandon and Bobbie were of school age and I watched Bobbie after Kindergarten at my house. 


Bobbie and I had wonderful times together, puddle-jumping, cooking, and other such delights filled our afternoons.  I called her, “Ma Petite.” , and I became ‘Aunt Bear’., I wondered why she called me that until the day she tried her best to wrap child-sized arms around my Earth Mother hips, looked up at me from adoring green eyes and said, “I call you my Aunt Bear, do you know why?”


“No, ma petite, I don’t know.  Why do you call me your Aunt Bear?”

“Because huggung you is like hugging a teddy bear!!”  She squeezed as tightly as she could, and I hugged her back.


“Oh thank you sweetie!!”  I managed to say this around the lump filling my throat.


Bobbie had been the flower girl at my wedding, and my husband caught this utterly darling photo of her:

The Perfedt lower Girl



Time does what it does best and passed, Kathy moved back to her beloved New York, I separated from my husband and returned to Arizona; Bobbie and Brandon grew up.


Kat and I kept in touch over the years, we have now been friends for over 30 years and will most likely be friends until we return to the First Home of All Souls.  Kat has not had an easy life by any road, and last year she was dealt the cruellest blow any mother could suffer.


In August of 2007, at the age of 18, Bubbie Jo passed away suddenly, leaving a silent, aching void behind.


All grown up?


So young, pretty, and loving; far too soon to be taken from her family and friends.

Unwilling farewell


Last weekend I dreamed of our Bobbie Jo, as she was when I was her Aunt Bear.  She came to me and asked a gift of me, one I must do, although in my heart I would not do it .  She held my hand, suffused with love and trust and  asked this simple gift of me.


“Let me go.”

So now, although I still weep and hear her voice in my heart; the hand of my spirit opens, and Bobbie Jo flies; bright and happy into the arms of All-Mother, who holds her in love and tenderness until we shall meet again.


And I, I must say the saddest words;


“Good-bye, ma Petite, and Gods’speed to you.”

I’m back… as much as I can be for now

Posted in Everday Living, Family History, My Inspirations with tags , , , on 15/05/2008 by gwenguin1

I have been woefully absent from the ‘Net of late.  I have a good reason for this abscence though.  On 11 April of this year my Mum was admitted to the local hospital from the Urgent Care Clinic.  She had ben having chest pain, and yes, she had had a heart attack.  The next day they did a Cardiac Catheterisation and discovered that they needed to do a Coronary Arterry Bypass Graft.


On 14 April Mum underwent a Triple Bypass and work on her Aorta, my niece Kryssi and myself spent most of that day waiting for word, holding one another in the waiting room.  We finally got word late in the afternoon that she had gone through the surgery well, and was on her way back to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit to begin the recovery phase of the process.


Since then, Mum has amazed her doctors; despite a list of health problems and her age (almost 69), she is recovering quickly and well.  She was able to come home a scant 6 days after the surgery, and has been walking for the past week or so, almost 1,00 feet a day easily.


At two weeks post-surgiacal she was at the same point they expect a six weeks post-surgical patient to be.  Mum has tyoe 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, a heart murmur, arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, and a weakened immune system.  Yet she has far exceeded all projections and expectations. and will continue tio be the beloved Matriarch of our wee clan.


Now that we know Mum is going to be better than her old self, we can start to return to our ‘regularly scheduled programming’ again.  So, I will soon be boring you with my babbles and doodles.  Thank you for prayers, patience, and the friendship that I value so greatly.


Love, hugs and kisses,


April Fools!!!!

Posted in Bookworm Tales, My Inspirations, Quotents, Reviews and Previews on 02/04/2008 by gwenguin1

The History of April Fools 

In sixteenth-century France, the start of the new year was observed on April first. It was celebrated in much the same way as New Year’s Eve is today with parties and dancing into the late hours of the night.

In 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January first.

There were some people, however, who hadn’t heard or didn’t believe the change in the date, so they continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on April first. Others played tricks on them and called them “April fools.” They sent them on a “fool’s errand” or tried to make them believe that something false was true. 

Shiloh and I are collaborating again, we have so much fun almost all of the time doing this, and today we went for something just a wee bittie different than our other collaborations. 

We chose to share some qoutes we like about April Fool’s Day, so we waded through Google and a Dictionary of quotes, and then we each chose ten that we liked.  Here they are in no particular order.

Destiny. A tyrant’s authority for crime and a fool’s excuse for failure.
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914), U.S. author. The Devil’s Dictionary (1881-1906).

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), English philosopher. Essays, vol. 3, “State Tamperings with Money and Banks” (1891).

Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.
Alexander Pope (1688-1744), English poet. An Essay on Criticism (1711).


When he said we were trying to make a fool of him, I could only murmur that the Creator had beat us to it.
Ilka Chase (b. 1905), U.S. author, actor. Quoted in: Jilly Cooper and Tom Hartman, Violets and Vinegar, “Mrs. Crankhurst” (1980).
A spoon does not know the taste of soup, nor a learned fool the taste of wisdom.
Welsh Proverb.

If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. ~ Anatole France 

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
~ ~ ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
 The first of April, some do say,
Is set apart for All Fools’ Day.
But why the people call it so,
Nor I, nor they themselves do know.
But on this day are people sent
On purpose for pure merriment.

~ ~ ~ Poor Robin’s Almanac (1790)

A fool and his words are soon parted.

~ ~ ~ William Shenstone

No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.
~ ~ ~ Charles Steinmetz


The great God endows His children variously. To some he gives intellect- and they move the earth. To some he allots heart- and the beating pulse of humanity is theirs.  But to some He gives only a soul, without intelligence- and these, who never grow up, but remain always His children, are God’s fools, kindly, elemental, simple as if from His palette the Artist of All had taken one colour instead of many.   Mary Roberts Rinehart

 Are twelve wise men more wise than one? or will twelve fools, put together, make one sage? Are twelve honest men more honest than one?
Herman Melville
 Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.
Alexander Pope
This is the day (April Fool’s Day) upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. ~ Mark Twain  A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
~ ~ ~ Douglas Adams
  If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
~ ~ ~ Anatole France
  The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.
~ ~ ~ Benjamin Franklin
  Neither man nor woman can be worth anything until they have discovered that they are fools. The sooner the discovery is made the better, as there is more time and power for taking advantage of it.
~ ~ ~ William Lamb Melbourne
  Better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln

Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark, or the man afraid of the light?
Maurice Freehill

There were more than a couple that both of us thought were good, but we wanted 20 different quotes, so wee kept nibbling away, until we had all 20 quotes,

I hope you have enjoyed this as much as we enjoyed finding them and sharing them.

Three Good’uns!!

Posted in My Inspirations, Reviews and Previews, The Soundtrack Of My Life on 05/03/2008 by gwenguin1

I have seen three good films in the past week, one an old(er) favourite, and the second film is a new favourite.  They will both be added to my growing DVD collection.

The horror film “Dead End” is excellent, one that immediately became a house favourite , which is the event of all three of us agreeing on a film. 

It is quirky, and very well put together; the teamwork between the producer, cast, camera and light crews is brilliantly and subtly blended. 

The makeup, hair, and costumes were wonderful, and every bit as subtle as the rest of the film. The score was so close to being perfect for film that I just might buy the soundtrack.

I am, after close to twenty watchings, still amazed how little special effects the directors used, and how well it worked.

The second film is “The Simian Line”, with an impressive lineup; Lynn Redgrave (her talent and beauty are timeless), Harry Connick, Jr. (CopyCat), Cindy Crawford (she is a talented actress as well as having lasting beauty), Tyne Daly (I think she is very underrated), William Hurt (if he is in a film I will watch because he’s in it), Monica Keena, Samantha Mathis,  and Jamey Sheridan (Randall Flagg in The Stand).  This ensemble is like the team that always wins, you can’t go wrong.  The story is well-written, the characters are believable and 4-dimensional, the lack of CGAs or special effects is refreshing.

The makeup, film-making, and editing are well and deftly done.  You cannot help but be drawn into the story and watch until the final credits are rolling.

This is a movie to watch with your sweetheart, and snuggle closer as the story unfolds, and be drawn into the world of The Simian Line.

The third film is a sleeper, it got lost in the shuffle when it came out, and shouldn’t have been.  If you get the chance to rent “The Man from Earth” please do so.

With one set, one costume, and some limited outdoor shots, this film relies on the story and interaction between the characters to keep you interested, and succeeds with ease.

I enjoyed watching the relationships between the characters, and the characters themselves grow and change through the film, and felt sympathetic for each one in turn.

I can’t tell you too much about the story without spoiling it.  Alll I can say is that one of the characters is an immortal, not through magic, but via a freak of genetics.

So, there you are, my online friends and family, three films for you to check out.

I would recommend either movie for friends and family, they don’t rely on nudity, foul language, sexuality, or violence to keep you interested; just good, old-fashioned filmmaking.

An Interesting Question

Posted in My Inspirations, Soul Food Cafe Fun, You can do these! on 15/02/2008 by gwenguin1


One of my groups of ‘E-Friends’ has this cool round of “Question of the Day” that the ‘leader’ sends to every member to answer and share with everyone else.

Today, the leader, Kathy, sent out an excellent question to ask yourself:

When I die, what will I be remembered the most/least for?

I thought it would be more accurate if I didn’t look in at me, but out towards the people in my life that know me the ‘best’ and go through their comments about me for a somewhat more accurate answer to the question.

Start, of course, with what you hear the most.

“Oh ______ you are so ________, I love that in you/I wish I were like that/I respect that about you!”

I would really like to hear everyone’s response to this one.  I was very surprised, and more than a little embarrased.

The things about me that bothered people are either behaviours that I am trying to change, or I have to have something repaired (i.e. get dentures/bridgework/lose some more weight) to fix a particular problem.

The only things I found that were said more than once and weren’t really complimentary were my weirdness (it’s true, I read the dictionary for fun!), my woo-woo side (metaphysics, and multiple faiths), being the typical dotty artiste, and the intent writer who feels the eternal odd kid, and my temper… everyone who has seen me *snap* will agree, the worst thing to see, and the thing that is seen the least, is my rage. 

That wasn’t what embarrassed me, it was when I started totting up compliments, not just words either, deeds as well.

I have been told as far back as I can remember how intelligent and smart I am, how talented an artist and writer I am, how well I can help people, how much fun it is to be with me, ad infinitum. 

Even those don’t humble me the as much as when people go on and on about how good I am.  I don’t think I’m that good, the way I conduct myself in the world is the way people should be. 

I really would like to hear what your ‘voices’ say to you, and that it is happy words you find.

Another Wonderful Adventure is Afoot

Posted in It's In The Cards, My Inspirations, Soul Food Cafe Fun, The 3rd Enchanteur Journey on 03/01/2008 by gwenguin1

Travelling With Le Enchanteur

A group of us at Soul Food Cafe, are packing our bags for another virtual adventure.  The creatrix and Queen of Soul Food Cafe, Heather Blakey, is known as le Enchanteur (among other characters of her creation) in some parts of Soul Food, and it is Enchanteur that will be travelling with this group.

We have each been asked to create a role for ourselves, and our adventure will be recorded through the eyes and minds of the characters we create.

This is an excellent way to explore avenues of creativity, and genres we not normally play/work with.

Having been a multi-disciplinary artist from very early on, and played with a lot of genres; horror, comedy, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, and a historical or two.  I’ve also written prose, poetry, and lyrics.

So, I have chosen to return to my first love, a love that had been denied me due to a worsening in my eyesight.  That was before I bought PSP X1.

Now I am exploring PSP X1 as gleefully as a child on Christmas morning.  I have been creating ‘tags’, collages, and retouching photos I’ve taken with my digital camera.

Now, I plan to combine writing and artwork, returning to fantasy territory again, I will be “The Keeper of the Cards”  As I journey through Lemuria I plan to be creating a mythos and Tarot deck combined.

Be sure to keep peeking back, and checking

Travelling With Le Enchanteur

regularly to see what all of us are doing.

Return to the Red Death

Posted in My Inspirations, Soul Food Cafe Fun on 27/10/2007 by gwenguin1

This tale requires a wee bit of an explanation, back in 2004, as part of a Soul Food Cafe project,  I was to write an article on the Red Death ( a la, E. A. Poe’s tale, “The Mask of the Red Death”.  The first article is the one I wrote in 2004, the second one is the update I wrote in 2007.  


by Gwen Myers

UPI: (Budapest, Transylvania). A mysterious illness is decimating Clan Dracül. The descendants of Vlad (the Impaler), once quite numerous, are dwindling at an alarming rate. Clan Dracül once flew at over 10,000 strong.

Due to fatalities from the ‘Red Death’, as it is being called, there are barely 2,000 adult Dracül able to take wing and feed. The Eldars and flightless young are the hardest hit by the Red Death. The Eldars feed least often and suffer the worst deaths from the disease. The young slowly die of starvation when the parents die of the Red Death.

Researchers, in lightproof laboratories, race to find a vaccine or cure while the population is still large enough to prevent inbreeding. Clan Dracül has not forgotten the horrors and sports that marred earlier generations, and does not wish to return to the era of infanticide and heartbreak.

The symptoms of the Red Death include deep red colouration of the face, difficulty in feeding, loss of primary and secondary fangs with concomitant inability to feed and death by starvation.

The only correlation found thus far is a possible similarity in the habits of food. A great number of the prey of Red Death fatalities are known among the prey as “Tweakers” and it is theorised that a commonality among the “Tweaker” prey may be the root cause.

As a precaution Clan Dracül members are advised to avoid prey that smell or behave abnormally. A strong medicinal smell or extreme restlessness seem to be signs of “Tweaker” prey and as such should be avoided.

There is a growing concern in the Council of Clan Dracül will need to create “New Blood” to remain vital and viable in the Vampyrric community. The persecutions and wholesale slaughter of the first “New Blood” search are fresh in the memories of all Vampyrric Clans. There has been enough intermarriage between European Vampyrric Clans that for Clan Dracül to survive, the “New Blood” search, may have to be undertaken soon.   

My friend Shiloh put this tale up on her website and I got an idea for a follow up article: 

 My friend Shiloh put this tale up on her website and I got an idea for a follow up article: 

(from the Transylvanian Journal of Vampyrric Medicine) 


By Gwen Myers

 UPI: (Budapest, Transylvania) The Transylvanian Journal of Vampyrric Medicine  announced last Tuesday, 23, October, 2007 that the causative agent for the affliction known as “The Red Death” has been isolated, and a cure found for this scourge of the 21st Century. 

The early theory of a commonality in the habits of prey proved to correct when researchers isolated the compound “Methamphetamine” from the blood of prey.  This is a recreational substance that is both highly addictive and destructive. 

Apparently the prey exhibits many of  the same symptoms as do the Vampyres, and the compound can cause fatalities amongst the prey. 

The intensive study isolated a treatment , beginning with the rare practice of both transfusions and hemodialysis of anyone exposed to the tainted prey, for not less than a full lunar month, and intravenous feeding until the individual is well enough to be fitted with a bridge of primary and secondary fangs. 

It is agreed that anyone who has ingested the tainted food be checked frequently for at least one calendar year to prevent  a relapse of the disorder. 

This treatment has even revived those Vampyres in the first stages of the Premature Hibernatory Phase Syndrome, once thought to be incurable.  As is commonly known, vampyres that suffer from Premature Hibernatory Phase Syndrome  will fall into the Hibernation phase of Vampyrism when they do not have the reserves to support their bodily functions and when the reserves are depleted the vampyre dies of starvation. 

This is a breath of hope for Clan Dracül, along with the offer from unrelated Clans the world over  to ally  their younger vampyres with Clan Dracül , both to swell their ranks, and prevent inbreeding as well as the need for a “New Blood” search. 

Even with this miracle, Clan Dracül may take centuries to regain their pre-Red Death size of 10,000 on the wing.

The Hell-Cat of Mesa

Posted in Critter Tails, My Inspirations on 15/05/2007 by gwenguin1

My friend, Anita Marie, is an talented writer, and she has inspired me again:

Anita love, thank you again and always!

klibana1.jpgThis is the tale of how the family’s cat, Kliban, came to join us; for everyone except us he was a terror on dainty cream-coloured paws.  Small children wept in terror at the sight of him, dogs climbed trees to escape his wrath, and adults begged us to keep him inside when they were out, so they could go about their business unmolested by 35 pounds of pure meanness. 

Once upon a time, when Mesa was a quiet family town, a family, not too different from the rest, accidentally acquired a cat.  Not just any cat, one that had sorrowful and miserable beginnings.

This cat, actually a half-grown, 3/4 wild kitten, was adopted to the family’s next-door neighbour, along with a springer spaniel, and chocolate lab puppy for her toddler aged daughters.  This was an excellent arrangement for everyone but the kitten.

Bad enough to have been the shameful result of a mesalliance between a Siamese mother, and marmalade tabby alley cat father.  But then to be thrust into a household with small children, who delighted in pulling his tail and ears; and two playful puppies that insisted on drowning his feline dignity in friendly sl0bber.

The poor little guy, he was called ‘Kitty-Gato’, he was homely, and out of place in what was supposed to be his home.  He did what any self-respecting feline would do about being mauled so thoughtlessly, he unsheathed his claws.

He was quickly called, “Mean.” and became a Cattus Non Grata in his own home.  He was tossed into an alley and promptly discarded from family memory.

Poor Kitty-Gato, abandoned, hurt and confused as to why he was evicted; struggled to eke out some existence in the shadows and alleys of that part of town.

He was tough, fearless and mean as a fighter, undeniable as a lover, and looking for the love a human being again (for he remembered petting).

He made it through the summer, an impressive feat in weather that is consistently over 100 and even 110 degrees F., life was getting a tad easier for him, as he had caught the eye of several nests of humans that left food out for him.  Still he had not found ‘his’ family and place.

One day, he heard a soft pop, a terrible sting between his eyes and the sound of mean laughter.  He wasn’t badly wounded, just a scrape  following the curve of his skull.

A few days later he was feeling sickly, his head was throbbing, too hot and heavy to carry properly, and he felt the infection was starting to spread from the scrape through his blood.

He went to one of the nests of humans he visited and cried for help.  These humans were wiser than many about cats and called him into their nest.  One of the older females said, “You can’t leave him out in this weather Pat.”

Pat agreed and called him to a dish of warm, tasty food, diced to bite sized pieces for him.  He ate a few bites, and then went to where the humans were eating the very same thing he had been given.

He went to the older female and asked her to get the nasty-sickness-stuff off his face.  He was delighted at the understanding in this nest, and stayed by the humans, just enjoying their combined energies.

The nasty-sickness-stuff started running down his face again and he went to the older female to ask her to take it away again.  She turned to a younger female and scolded her as she wiped the mess from his face again.

The younger female lifted him into her arms and looked closely at his head.  He felt her her heart send him a rush of love and healing.  She took him to another room and washed his head and the wound gently, making sure that they got as much of the nasty-sickness-stuff out of him as possible.

If that weren’t a wonder enough in his short span of life then, the humans left their nest and came back with something their hearts told him would drive the sickness from his blood and head. 

Without complaint or fight he accepted the tickly-fizzy water on the scrape after they had cleaned it out, then they packed the sickness-killing dust into the wound and snuggled him close and made their purring at him.

He knew at that moment that he had found his people and place, and his heart swelled to hold all of the people now precious to him.  Heady with acceptance and love he relaxed in safety, and groomed himself glossy, before napping on a soft chair and aweakening later to more of the humans’ food in a dish for him, with milk to drink and cool clean water.

He recovered quickly, and defended his territory and humans with all the courage of his Siamese forbears.  One cool day, the younger female human that had rescued him was visiting with his former human female, and the former female remarked something to his new female, who immediately smelled of battle-anger and snarled something back to his former human.

The former human backed a step away, accepting his new female’s claim of territory and partnership with him.  At that moment he was irrevocably bound forever to his new family, there would never be any human that could take their place in his heart.

He wore his new name, Kliban, with pride for his family had chosen it for him.  His home almost always had someone that would pet or snuggle him, he often ate the same food as they, as well as his own food.

Though his humans changed nests more than once he went with them, and forged a new territory wherever they were.  He spent a long and happy life with one or the other of the humans, even the she-kitten of one of his humans after she joined them.

Yes, Kliban was named after the artist B. Kliban who made his Cat famous at the same time as our Kliban.  Below is one of the family’s favourite Kliban Cats:


Tales From the Bookworm’s Nest

Posted in Bookworm Tales, My Inspirations on 05/05/2007 by gwenguin1

Tonight’s post is in memoriam of Mairi, for her goodness and faith.  We will meet again in the Summerland .



Like the title says, this is where I will be babbling about books of all sorts.  I love books, all kinds. I don’t just read them, nothing so retiring and lady-like as that for this Crazy Lady!  *snickering mischievously*

No, I devour books, in greedy chunks, then small sensuous nibbles, and Falstaffian quaffings.  My ex swore up and down that I was a member of the ‘Page-A-Minute’ Club, because of my reading  appetites.  He said that I read so fast I can read a page a minute. Anyway, I tasted three of the books last night, and my bro Matt took a nibble from two of them tonight.  The one that caught me was “Anam Cara; the Book of Celtic Wisdom” by John O’Donohue.  I let the book fall open of it’s own and this is what I read first in this book:“Prayer is the act and presence of sending the Light of Love from the bountifulness of Your Love to other people to heal, free and bless them.”

That resonated powerfully in my spirit, and I have been going back to that quote and seeking its depths more fearlessly with every  visit.

What moved me most at first was the honesty of the statement, that is what prayer is supposed to be.  A gift of faith and love from you to another spirit.

Then I noted that the writer did not designate a certain style of prayer, or any specific faith.  This is something I believe: That prayer is prayer, no matter how one prays; faith is faith- it should uplift and inspire.

And third, the assertion that all prayer is imbued with the Power of Love and Light, and is equal in the eyes of the Supreme Being(s). 

Imagine the power if the followers of every faith on this planet prayed together.

If every spirit sang at the same time, there would be a moment of peace, then another.  How far could that flame of a moment burn?

Alas, as long as people choose to label and then discriminate, that will only be a dream. 

 Haven’t we learned recently just how small our world is?  We can circle the globe in an eyeblink, touch the lives of people we may never see, and be healed by the touch of someone halfway around the globe.

Stop for a moment, breath, feel, know that the moment is as short as a heartbeat, yet it lives forever in memory.  Then, imagine someone living faraway is standing beneath the same sun and moon, breathing the same air, do not give them a name or face, let that come later.

For now picture a silhouette, rich dark shades, limned in burnished gold; and call it ‘friend’.

Now, greet your new friend, with a smile, a handclasp, or perhaps a joyous hug.  Your friend and you have touched; made a connexion and now love can flow from one to the other freely.

Celebrate the connexion and the love.

Celebrate the beauty of shared prayer.

Celebrate the magic of friendship.

Amen, Namaste, and Blessed Be,


You Inspire Me-Shiloh

Posted in My Inspirations on 17/04/2007 by gwenguin1

I have a friend, Shiloh, and she is one of my dearest friends.  We share a lot of interests and leanings, and can even write together amicably.  Shiloh has her own direction, and I have had the privilege of watching her creative wings open more fully.

We are both writers, as well as working with visual arts.  We have more then one work that is a duet of our writing ‘voices’. 

Our moust recent collaboration is the Soul Collage Cards we are creating and posting on our personal blogs.

When I logged online today, I was all prickly and hypersensitive from a heavy-duty session with my counsellor.  Not long after I signed on Shiloh sent me the link to her post for today, and by the time I had looked at the card st least three different ways, and read the post twice, I had this sappy grin all over my face, it is still hanging on the corner of my mouth over an hour later.

Shiloh is always a decent, honest and fearless lady as well as being a truly caring individual.  Her writings reflect this.  She posts almost every single day, so there is always something new to read, and often do yourself.